



我的英语老师 400字高中英语作文

2022-03-14 17:36:35 栏目:高中英语作文 来源:蘑菇文








  Since ancient times, a great country has been supported by great people. Their ideal is to "aspire to the heaven and earth, set a life for the people, inherit the knowledge of sages, and create the world". The prevalence of coronavirus pneumonia is threatening people's lives.

  We can't go to the movies, we can't travel, we can't visit relatives and friends, our families are closed, and the busy streets in the past have become rare. As a famous expert in the SARS epidemic area in Wuhan, he did not care about the progress of the SARS epidemic in Wuhan, so he did not pay attention to the progress of the SARS epidemic in Wuhan He shuttled back and forth between the hospital bed, the laboratory and the conference room, sacrificing the rest time to attend the press conference to disseminate accurate information on the epidemic situation. He even personally demonstrated such small things as wearing masks.

  His medical skills and medical ethics showed us the hope of victory.



  Novel coronavirus is now facing a new virus. The new coronavirus has been exposed to the new SARS since. Only a few years since the outbreak of the SARS, I have seen in Chinese news that the new virus caused by Wuhan spread to the whole country as a source of infection.

  It left Wuhan for many months, and traveled to all parts of the country to reach Yueyang, Yichang, Hefei, Chongqing, and so on. Nanning, Guangzhou and other places, this is an infectious disease of acute pneumonia, the cause of which is that people eat wild chrysanthemum headed bat and musk cat. This is a serious crisis facing human beings.

  If the epidemic situation can not be controlled, we should not reflect on it. If we take good care of ourselves, where will human beings go? Will this happen? Protect ourselves. First of all, although the virus has become the focus, but Don't listen to all kinds of rumors at will, prevent and control the source of infection scientifically, cut off the transmission channels, call on everyone to do a good job in personal protection, avoid going to places with a large number of people, wear medical masks in public places, pay attention to fast food hygiene, wash hands frequently, drink more water, try not to eat out when you have a fever or cough, and go out less.

  In this year, we will certainly be able to join our family Since we are fighting against our motherland in this crisis, I hope we can celebrate the crisis of this country with our family members at this important moment. We should believe that they come to Wuhan, come to the angels in white, and come to China. May the beauty of the world be connected with you.


