



动物英语作文 400字高中英语作文

2022-03-14 17:36:40 栏目:高中英语作文 来源:蘑菇文



  动物英语作文 篇1 There are more and more endangered animals at present,so how to protect them has been our task of top priority .

  It's wrong for people to hunt animals for their meat and feather,for they are our good friends.

  We should protect them instead of killing them.Giant pandas,which are one of the endangered animals,live in the forests and live on bamboo lealves.

  They can just live safely in the natural protection zones.

  We should stop killing animal and protect them.

  动物英语作文 篇2 Most kids like animals. Girls like cats, and boys like dogs. However, my favorite animal is the horse. The horses are strong, not like the tame cats or puppy dogs. They look wild and hard to get close. Yet, they will be very timid and friendly after they get to know you. Horses remember the way home. They are also faithful to their masters. They even understand what you are trying to tell them. I've heard many stories about how a horse saved his master's life. That's also the reason why I love horses. They never betray you.


  动物英语作文 篇3 When I was very small, I could see many birds flying in the sky when I looked at the sky, but as I grow up and move to the city, I find less birds in the sky. It is because the environment has been polluted and many birds are dying. We can do small things to protect the environment, so that the animals can live with us.


  动物英语作文 篇4 When the Arctic Ocean freezes over in the autumn, polar bears set off in search of their favorite meals: fatty ringed seals and bearded seals. By the summer, the sea ice begins to melt and break apart. Deprived of access to the tasty seals, polar bears spend the summer fasting. At least, that's what's supposed to happen. As the planet warms, the warmer ice-free season is getting longer and longer. So what's a hungry bear to do?

  Scientists once thought that polar bears might survive by supplementing their pinniped diet by turning to terrestrial foods like snow geese, their eggs and caribou.

  "We've had this debate in the literature about whether terrestrial foods are nutritionally relevant to polar bears during the on-land season when the ice has melted."

  University of Alberta biologist Nick Pilfold.

  "And we've known for a long time, going back to research in the early 70s, even going to back to early explorer logs, that polar bears will consume terrestrial based foods. But the debate was always whether those foods actually add up, energetically." In other words, do these substitutes provide enough nutrition to make up for the lost seals?

  To find out, Pilfold and his colleagues estimated the weight lost each day by polar bears in the wilds of western Hudson Bay during the ice-free season, when they could ostensibly be chowing down on terrestrial foods. Then they compared that to the weight lost by bears that are temporarily held in Manitoba's Polar Bear Alert Program.

  While captive, the bears do not eat. They drop about one kilogram each day. But the wild bears, who had access to the Arctic snack bar, lost the same amount of weight each day. The results are in the journal Physiological and Biochemical Zoology.

  "Which is really saying that the terrestrial foods do not have dense enough energy to offset the mass loss. So this idea that bears can just switch from eating sea ice–based food to land food and that's going to help supplement against longer ice-free seasons, that really doesn't show up in the data."

  The problem is that polar bears evolved to rely on the marine diet.

  "The food on land is protein and carbohydrate based, and the food the polar bears really focus on is fat. Fat is the name of the game for these bears; they're highly adapted to absorbing that fat into their system and putting it onto their body as body mass, so they can fast on it later on. And the only thing that's going to provide them with that type of fat are marine mammals. And they can only access those marine mammals when there's sea ice."

  Adult males can go eight months without food. But younger, sub-adult bears, which are no longer nursing and must hunt, can't last as long without sea ice. So as the Arctic warms, younger polar bears will disproportionately die out. Leaving the species' survival in doubt.












  动物英语作文 篇5 Wolves are beautiful but they are not very big. They look like dogs. They have grey fur. Wolves have very good eyesight, hearing and smell. They are very friendly towards each other. They often work as a team. They never attack people and they do not kill animals for fun. They eat animals, insects, snails and vegetables. The number of wolves is getting smaller and smaller because many of their living areas are getting smaller and smaller. If farmers keep taking the land, wolves will have nowhere to live and have no food to eat. Also, people kill them for their fur. If this continues, then there will be no wolves in the world.

  So, we must do something for wolves. What can we do? We can take the following actions to protect wolves:

  1、make wolve reserves bigger

  2、build more reserves

  Let us do something for wolves!






  动物英语作文 篇6 Wild yak is also named wild ox, and the Tibetan pronunciation is Yagui, which is of the same species with domesticated yak. As a typical alpine animal which can endure extreme cold, it is a first class national protected animal unique to the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Located in Qinghai, Tibet, southern Xinjiang, northwestern Gansu, western Sichuan and other places. It inhabits the alpine meadow strips at an altitude of 3000-6000 meters, inaccessible mountains and large peaks, mountain basins, alpine grasslands, alpine deserts, etc.

  动物英语作文 篇7 A snake is a long and thin animal that lives in grass or other dark places. It has no legs or feet, but can move very fast on its stomach. Snakes usually have green,yellow or black skins, which make it difficult for their enemies to find them.Some kinds of snakes live in water. They can swim as freely as fish.

  Snakes are cold-blooded animals. They take many things as food, such as mice, sparrows, frogs, birds'eggs, pests and so on.As snakes are dreadfullooking, people are afraid of them.

  In fact, snakes are not as dreadful as they look. They can help us to kill mice and pests. They can provide us with delicious meat. Their blood is a good drink.Poisonous snakes are especially useful. We can make valuable drugs with them.

  动物英语作文 篇8 Snakes are cold-blooded animals. In winter they hibernatein holes which are narrow enough only to hold the snakes' bodies. The snakes can sleep through a whole winter without eating and moving. They can not feel any pain. The hibernation period lasts about five months. When spring comes, the snakes come out and begin their normal life.

  Snakes can take many things as food, such as mice, sparrows, frogs,birds' eggs, pests and so on. People sometimes can see a snake eat a sparrow. First it moves close to the sparrow, then it puts out its tongue and brings the sparrow into its mouth and swallows it, which makes a lump in the snake's body. After some time the lump disappears.

  As snakes are dreadful-looking, people are afraid of them. Many people drive them away whenever they see snakes. But in Chinese fairy tales, snakes are by no means bad. They seem to have human feelings. They can change into pretty girls. People like and respect them. The most well-known is the story about the White Snake and the Blue Snake.

  In fact, snakes are not as dreadful as they look. They can help us to kill mice and pests. They can provide us with delicious meat. Their blood is a good drink. Poisonous snakes a





  希腊神话英语读后感1 《希腊神话故事》是一部沉重的书。人物的繁多和关系之复杂使人烦闷,叫人不忍卒读;而许许多多触目惊心的事情又使人感到压抑、沉闷,甚至是窒息。











  希腊神话英语读后感2 今天,我读完了《希腊神话故事》这是德国施瓦布写的一本文学宝藏。出自于公元前十二世纪到公元前八世纪,古希腊是世纪文明古国之一,客观存在为人类留下了一笔灿烂的文化财富,这个神话对我的印象十分深刻。




