



高一的英语作文 400字高中英语作文

2022-03-14 17:36:45 栏目:高中英语作文 来源:蘑菇文



  高一的英语作文 篇1 While fear of death is universal, my worry about death is so overwhelming that there is not a moment passing without my thinking of it. I never bring this up with any other, just because no one will ever realize the seriousness of this problem. I know it very clearly that as long as there is life, there will be death. In addition, though I am still so far away from death, I have been plagued by the thought of it for years. Fortunately, the root of my fear of death lies in my overzealous love for life. I am too timid to think of the end of life, when every worldly affair should be thrown away. How can I carry on without friendship, affection, and joy of being alive? I really hate to leave all these behind. To ease my worry about death, I should make the fullest use of this life I now possess. Concentration on this life can at least temporally make me forget about death. As a matter of fact, I really dont need to worry so much about death, for I already have too much to worry about this life



  高一的英语作文 篇2 中国文学文化

  Every year, when the winner of Nobel Prize in literature comes out, we will wonder why the winner is always belonging to foreigners. Though we are proud of our brilliant culture, we always miss this important award. Actually, Chinese literature is also famous around the world. The four great works like Journey to the West and A Dream in Red Mansions are known by the world. Every child in China has learn them and they even watch the TV series. The old literature Mater Sun’s Art of War is popular around foreigners. They are crazy about it and hope to learn some skills to help them run business. There is no doubt that Chinese literature has great influence on the world. It is the national treasure, and we can probe into the history and appreciate the charm.


  高一的英语作文 篇3 What a disaster(灾难)!So far,it's reported that more than 60,000 people died in the SiChuan earthquake.What's more, millions of people there have become homeless.And they are still in the danger of illness and other difficulties. Anyway, thanks to all the kind people, in and abroad,the situation has been changing well.But we still work hard at it,especially to build houses for those homeless people and cure the injured people.

  What can we do now? Besides doing our own job well,we can donate money to them.We firmly believe that with the party and the government's strong leadership, and with the people of all nationalities throughout the country to aid,this earthquake relief will be a victory!

  高一的英语作文 篇4 Sunset

  In order to see the sunset, I got everything ready before 5 in the afternoon. Then I went to the East Hill.

  At that time, the sun was already in the west, but it was still shining. Its light was so bright that I couldn’t even open my eyes.When I arrived at the East Hill, the light became a bit yellow. After a short while, it was completely golden, then red.

  The sun nearly set.It was like a big red ball. The clouds around it were also painted red.Little by little the clouds covered the sun more and more. At last it disappeared behind the clouds. It was dark and I hurried back.



  那时,太阳已经在西方了,但是它仍然在照耀着。它的光是如此强烈,以至于我睁不开眼睛。 当我到达东山的时候,阳光已经变得有点黄了。一会儿以后,它完全变成了金黄,然后变成红色。


  高一的英语作文 篇5 I have a very good dream since I was a child, to be a painter.

  I want to use my brush to describe the motherland's great rivers, want to draw all good to me, a person's thoughts will be from the picture, and I, is the man who want to be with brush about life.

  Wanted to let everyone see my picture, because I hope my picture can let all people like my painting a happy. Had a dream never grow old, and I will for my dream has been trying to, I hope my efforts can help more people.

  I also hope I can go to some poor places in those children drawing, painting can give people bring happiness, through draw to express their emotions, their idea is very good.

  There are some very beautiful places in China, I also want to use my hand brush paint the motherland great rivers, through every corner.

  People should strive for my ideal, so I want to use the hands of the brush to paint the world.







  高一的英语作文 篇6 Food is human’s basic need, yet it differs from culture to culture. Color, aroma and taste have been regarded as the basics of Chinese culinary art. In the long history of Chinese course development, there are many differences between the Southern and Northern tastes. Generally speaking, the southern courses emphasize freshness and tenderness; while the northern courses are oilier. As a typically southerner, I prefer freshness and pure flavor. So my favorite food is steaming fish.

  饮食是人类最基本的需求,但饮食因文化而异。色香味一直被看做是中华饮食文化的基本要素。在中国饮食文化历史发展的长河中,南方菜和北方菜有很多不同。一 般来说,南方菜更注重鲜、嫩,而北方菜相对比较油腻。作为一个典型的南方人,我更喜爱鲜美和纯粹的味道。所以,清蒸鱼是我最喜欢的菜。

  Steaming fish is a classical Guang Dong dish. It’s famous for light, soft and slippery taste. The material must be fresh, and the cook must control the heat to make sure the fish remain tender and pure. Put the fresh fish in the pot to steam for 8 minutes with mild heat. Before the dish is finished, add a spoon of oil and some chopped green onion and a spoon of soy sauce, and then the steaming fish is done. My mother is very good at cooking this course. I really love the way she cook the fish, not only maintain the original flavors of the fish, but also provide with enough protein.

  清蒸鱼是一道经典的广东菜,以口味清谈、鱼肉细滑而著名。所用材料必须新鲜,厨师需掌控好火候,以此保证鱼肉的鲜嫩。将鲜鱼放在锅中,用文火蒸8分钟。在 出锅之前,加一小勺油和一些葱花及一勺酱油,清蒸鱼就做好了。我的母亲很擅长烹饪这道菜。我非常喜欢她做的清蒸鱼,不仅仅保留了鱼的鲜美,也提供了足够的 蛋白质。

  高一的英语作文 篇7 Today is April 5, ching Ming festival.

  My father and I went back to the countryside hometown for ancestor's grave. We came to the ancestral grave, dad with his shovel the tombs to repair, and then put the tribute to the grave, took me to the ancestors on three head, got up and down a bowl of wine, spilled a circle around the tombs. In the grave, we walk in the mountains You'll also be able to contribute, on a mountain high, there are lush trees, there are green grass, there are clear lakes, beautiful!

  On the way home, winter jasmine, plum and cherry blossoms are scrambling to in full bloom, fragrance of flowers floating around, a lot of visitors to take photos in front of the flower, laughing faces as beautiful as flowers, how happy ah! Dad told me: tomb-sweeping day is our memory of martyrs, ancestor worship festival, festival is blooming, play for an outing. He told me the martyrs brave fight, fear no sacrifice revolutionary story.

  I listened to the very touched, it is our predecessors bloody sweat, hard working, just have our good life today, so we should cherish the happy life today, study hard, healthy growth, grow up contribution strength, serve the country!

  高一的英语作文 篇8 My childhood was unforgettable. When I was five years old, I went to the kindergarten every day. I had a lot of good time with my little friends. My parents took good care of me. I didn’t need to care about food and clothes and any other things. I was very happy in those days. But one day, my mother told me that she wouldn't pick me up after school. I was afraid of going home alone, so I started to cry and I was angry with my mother. Although I insisted that she and my father should protect me safely, they still disagreed with me. They thought it was good for me to learn to be independent. The next day after class, I had to take a bus to go back home. I forgot to see the bus route when I got on. Therefore, when the bus was more and more far from my home, I felt anxious. Finally, I got the last stop, and then took the same bus back home. When I told my parents my story, they never thought it is a mistake, on the contrary, they thought it is a useful experience. From then on, I don't let them meet me after school any more.

  高一的英语作文 篇9 I think I will be a teacher in the future, because I like to stay with children.


  I'll live in shanghai because I went to shanghai last summer and fell in love with it.


  I think it's really a beautiful city.


  As a teacher, I'll try my best to teach my students well and tell them how to be a useful person.


  In my free time, I'll listen to music, pop songs and go shopping with my friends, Sometimes I'll keep pets-maybe a colorful bird.


  It makes me happy.


  During the summer holiday, I'll go to Italy on vacation.


  I hear that it's a great place to have fun.






  动物英语作文 篇1 as is often read in the newspaper reports, wild life especially the rare species is threatened with extinction.

  human beings are making attempts to hunt wild animals for a big profit., which, of course, results in a sharp decrease in the number of animals. so it is high time for us to take quick action to protect them. first of all, it’s quite necessary for every citizen to realize the importance of animal protection.

  only by knowing its importance can people develop a sense of .

  动物英语作文 篇2 Some students think it's a good idea to keep pets because pets can make people happy. Pets can comfort old people who live alone at home. Besides, getting along well with animals will make our life interesting. The other students are against the idea. They think it bad for the environment if too many people keep pets at home. Pets may make too much noise and carry bacteria. Sometimes they even attack people.

  I like animals, so I don't think it bad to keep pets at home. But we must prevent them from polluting the environment.

  动物英语作文 篇3 Today, grandpa took me to the Ji'nan zoo to play. I'm so happy. Walking into the gate of the zoo, you can see all kinds of animals.

  First of all, we went to the meadow, and grandpa told me that it was called the golden Taurus park. When I listened to Grandpa's words, I was more curious. Look East, see. We first looked at tropical monkeys, squirrels, and long tailed monkeys. Then I went on, and I saw the long gibbon in my arm, and it was resting, and it seemed as if we were saying, "I'm glad to see you." Straight ahead, see beautiful deer, at the angle of spiky antelope, also looked at the Tibet wild. In fact, when looking at the Tibet wild, we also make a joke! My grandfather and I both said, "this horse is really big." You can see the road sign that it's a donkey, because it is too much like a horse, a long neck, a long face, and four strong legs.

  What impressed me most was the long neck, the tall giraffe and the big pots of hippopotamus, and the stout chimpanzees. And I finally saw the big, long nose, ears can be used as a fan of the elephant. The big guy looks very strong, it's like a wall, and it can do a lot of things with his nose, such as bathing, transporting food, and so on.

  There are so many animals in the zoo that they attract a lot of tourists.





  动物英语作文 篇4 Wild yak is also named wild ox, and the Tibetan pronunciation is Yagui, which is of the same species with domesticated yak. As a typical alpine animal which can endure extreme cold, it is a first class national protected animal unique to the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Located in Qinghai, Tibet, southern Xinjiang, northwestern Gansu, western Sichuan and other places. It inhabits the alpine meadow strips at an altitude of 3000-6000 meters, inaccessible mountains and large peaks, mountain basins, alpine grasslands, alpine deserts, etc.

  动物英语作文 篇5 Dog is my favorite animal. The reason why I like it most is because it’s very competent. Dog is the best friend for mankind. It is also the best companion for the old people.

  The dog can feel the human nature. So many old people will raise dogs if their children are not with them. The old can give their love for their children to the dog to make themselves feel warmly. I believe the seeing eye dog is very famous. They are special dogs. Those dogs will guide their owners whose eyes is blind to go the correct way. See, I say dogs are very competent.



  动物英语作文 篇6 Many wild animals are facing the danger of extinction,because the environment that they are living in has changed greatly。For example,with the developmet of cities,the using of insecticide and serious pollution,their living areas have bee narrowcr and narrower。Many of the wild animals,now are confronted with food crisis。At the same time,man is killing off species just for getting their fur,skin,horns,teeth and meat。 In order to protect our resources of ecology,people should realize that the loss of any species is at least the loss of source of knowledge and a source of natural beauty。There fore,measures of the following should be taken:pollution standards are made to keepdown poisons; killing off certain rare species is prohibited; national parks should be set up as wild life,reserves。 Only if we human beings take some drastic measures can wild animals be preserved。
