



新年新计划 英语作文范文 400字高中英语作文

2022-03-14 17:36:48 栏目:高中英语作文 来源:蘑菇文

  As the new year comes, we should also have new plans.

  In the new year, the most important thing is to improve their achievements.I need to study harder to improve my weak subjects.For example, clothing technology foundation, graphic design and clothing foundation are my weaknesses, which I need to work harder to learn.In order to get a higher GPA, I have to make up for these weaknesses.In order to be the same as my classmates, I need to study harder than they do.

  Another important goal is to pass the CET-4 and CET-6.In the winter vacation time must start to practice the hearing, because the hearing is in my English weak point.And I know, four six English listening is very difficult, there are a lot of long dialogue.Long conversations are something I haven't heard before, so I'm going to practice more.English reading is also a place where I need to practice, need to improve reading ability, so that I can improve the speed of writing questions.

  Also in the new semester more efforts to participate in a variety of activities to enrich their spare time.Instead of staying in the dormitory every day, I want to go to the library to see more.Reading more books can enrich my knowledge and improve my knowledge reserve.

  In the new year, we should have a new state and establish a good attitude to meet new challenges.

新年新计划 英语作文范文


  There is a huge difference between talent and background, sometimes even a world of difference, there is no way to cross the gap. There are too many ups and downs in life. Only with an ordinary heart can we live in prosperity and loneliness, and be stable in those years.

  For myself, the most important thing is. Work hard, not envy others. It is enough to be able to do the best on our own basis. You have not worked hard, just in the envy of others, then envy to the end or nothing. Sometimes you can't finish the task, can't reach the goal, in the heart also unavoidably impatient.

  Don't let yourself indulge in the feeling of loss. The most important thing is always to get up where you fall and reflect on your shortcomings. It's enough to change what we can. There are always some things we can't resist. Keep a normal mind.

  It's very important to keep an ordinary mind, that is, not to look up too much to other people's lives, and not to belittle oneself. There are too many people in life, always with a sour grape mentality, do a lemon essence, it is not necessary for others to have what, you ask also do not know how many difficulties he has experienced.

  Or even if the other party is really the son of heaven, once he is born, he will have the best time, the best place and the best people. What's the point of admiring or saying some sarcastic words?
