



Stake 400字高中英语作文

2022-03-14 17:36:48 栏目:高中英语作文 来源:蘑菇文

  The treatment is parotid angiography. But it can't show his figure in the sun. Always think of the past at some time. I miss someone who will never come back.

  Even if there is some concern in my heart, some love, but only across the horizon. Perhaps in the dead of night when tears will ring in the busy streets. But we all know that some things can never go back. So in the time gradually fade away. The silence passed on.

  If the water is the moon in the sky, but the person beside the pillow is by his side. What belongs to you is really worth missing and worrying about. Now it is not like in the past, always miss the fragmented past, some things should be buried. That is the sorrow that can never be changed. Recently, I have a short life with people around me. It's gone in a flash.

  Then for myself, it's a long time to be alone. Without selfishness, when you go to the ethereal things, the real concern only belongs to him. That kind of concern can let oneself obtain the strength to face the reality.


Overcome Obstacles

  Books have always been my friends. There is a relative in my family who works in Tu publishing house, so sometimes he will bring me some sample books from the publishing house, or some books with hard binding problems that can't be sold to the public. But because these books don't affect reading, I can enjoy the contents of the books. The tooth nerve is exposed.

  When I was a child, I could read very early. By the time I was less than three years old, I was able to do some simple reading. When I was about four years old, I began to read children's books. At the earliest time, my family bought me some picture books of enlightenment magazines.

  Because of the amount of reading. The books in the library have opened a new ocean of knowledge for me. In the debate competition, my knowledge is often praised by the teachers and students present. Headphones bring me many precious memories and experiences. When I am confused about many problems, it is books that give.

  When I sighed that it was hard to meet a bosom friend in my life, I found in books that some people had similar ideas with me hundreds of years agoThose words are like messengers across the distant time and space, communicating with my hearte. Books have become my valuable teachers and friends
