



Handling the Hard Time 600字高中英语作文

2022-03-15 06:50:17 栏目:高中英语作文 来源:蘑菇文

  Midlife crisis is well-known to us all because it can often be seen on media. It is unavoidable for it comes during the process of aging.

  Nowadays, another phase "quarter-life crisis" has drawn people's attention. As time goes by, people will grow up mentally and physically. Every child will be an adult someday. Sooner or later, young people will try to fit into society.

  One's twenties is a transition period when a young person should make choices on his life and begin to live his own life independently.

  Self-confidence can vanish away in this period. Life is so unpredictable that under some unavoidable circumstances will we give up on our self-esteem.

  We face confusion, pressure and even depression and the sheer amount of them can lead us to the edge of desperation.

  We aren't always controllable of life, but our mind is something that we can mold. No matter how difficult life is, we should stay calm and act strong.

  Life is always a series of different events. It is at times full of sorrow and sometimes like a brisk song. We should regard happiness and sadness as part and parcel of life.

  Darkest time is an inevitable, but I believe I can go through it. Even if I have been handicapped I must live with it.

Handling the Hard Time

To Accomplish the Most I Can

  I don't think material possessions should be chosen to measure one's success. There are some terms more important. I should have more noble goals to pursue. However, money is a notion that we can never ignore when talking about modern life.

  Recently I read several articles here and found that someone really lived a poor life. Destitution is the recurrent theme of her essays. I can often see her complaining about poverty and I clearly feel sympathy for her. A housewife like her even can't afford a cup of bubble tea, which is no more than twenty yuan. I remember that about several years ago I bought a cup of pearl tea every day. At that time, my income could cover all my expense. Thus it was not a large number for me.

  I will never want to lead a life like that housewife's. I don't take luxury cars and bigger houses as necessary for me, but I enjoy going shopping as long as I like. This is the motivation of working hard. Perhaps sometimes I need another form of incentive.

  I wish that the number in my bank account can grow rapidly. I will definitely give it my best shot. I will attempt to grab opportunities and try something new to move forward. It's necessary for me to focus on my work and overcome laziness.

  There are countless reasons for me to improve myself. Personal development is of vital importance in my life plan. I believe that the more measures I take, the more successful I will be. Hard-working itself is very fulfilling.

  Instead of waiting things to happen, I will create my own future with my hands.
