



The person I admire most 600字高中英语作文

2022-03-15 06:50:18 栏目:高中英语作文 来源:蘑菇文

  There are many people in life who deserve our respect. Doctors, nurses, teachers, firemen and police. But what I admire most is my Chinese teacher.

  He is an old teacher over the age of 50. And he has a wealth of teaching experience. I admire him mainly from the following three aspects. First, he is very good at dealing with the relationship between students. Communicate with us often. He often asks us about the difficulties encountered in learning and what we think he needs to improve. Then he will listen carefully and correct his problem. Second, he is very responsible and patient. The questions that the students usually ask him, he will answer them carefully。If the classmate still doesn't know this question, he will talk about it many times with peace of mind. Third, he has a good relationship with his students. In class, he took us seriously. But after class, he was like a friend to us. He is always kind and kind to us.

  She is more than a teacher to us. Now that he's retired, I miss him so much.

The person I admire most

Walk into nature.

  Walking into nature is the real reading of life. We now live in a virtual network world, people are increasingly relying too much on computers and mobile phones to get the information they need. The warm moments of meeting with loved ones were replaced by chats, immersed in reading classics, and replaced by interesting stories on the Internet. When we get away from the internet and into nature. Even a leaf, a blade of grass, a drop of dew, will make you feel excited. Only in the dim night, let the evening wind hit your heart, let the grass fragrance float around you, you can really feel the beauty of the world.

  Walk into nature and you will feel that everything is new. Into nature, you are relaxed and happy, you warm the beauty of nature, feel the true meaning of life.

  Walk into nature, walk into the nature that is close at hand but far away. Enjoy nature in order to enjoy your good life.
