



英语作文 600字高中英语作文

2022-03-15 06:50:18 栏目:高中英语作文 来源:蘑菇文

  Dear George,

  I am glad to hear that you came to China ten years ago and will travel to China this winter vacation. You want to understand the changes that have taken place in China over the past decade in terms of communication methods, shopping payments and transportation. I'd be more than happy to introduce you to these.

  First of all, in terms of communication methods, We have gone from the old flip phone to the current touch-screen phone, and even R&D out 5g of communication technology. This makes us a lot more convenient in communication. Secondly, in terms of shopping payment, our Alipay and WeChat payment have gained a lot achievements。Now we don't need to bring cash when we go out, just bring a mobile phone is enough. Choose what you want to buy then you can pay by brushing the payment code. This really makes our travel a lot easier. This new type of payment channel can avoid the loss of our cash and the inconvenience of carrying our wallet. And then in terms of transportation, Our city has installed shared bicycles. We don't need to take a bus outside at this time. This will not only allow us to travel environmentally, reduce carbon dioxide emissions, but also help us keep fit.

  China's economy has developed rapidly this decade and the people's living standards have been continuously improved. As a native of China, I feel this change deeply. And I'm proud that I was born in this country.


One-day tour of Chinese museums.

  Today is the Chinese Chinese costume Festival,I went on a one-day trip to the Chinese museum with my little friend. Although very tired, but we are very happy.

  The first thing we went to visit was Chinese Hanfu. As is known to all, Hanfu is a treasure of China,Hanfu carries the essence of Chinese traditional culture. There are unfinished, there are Han Dynasty, there are Tang Dynasty, Song Dynasty, Yuan Dynasty, Ming Dynasty, and Qing Dynasty. There are many kinds of Hanfu and they are very beautiful. I believe that one day wearing Hanfu on the street is not a rare thing. Then we went to visit the Chinese antiques. There are Chinese ceramic scrolls and silk fabrics. From these cultural relics, I deeply realized the long history and culture of China. These artifacts carry 5000 years of memory. They are the treasure of China and the pride of the nation. They represent the profoundness and the source is distant and the stream long of Chinese culture. Finally we went to visit the cultural relics and historic sites. Most of these buildings have been restored, but they still can't go back to the past. Walking in the ancient streets of Long Street, I felt the deep ancient atmosphere. How interesting was the life of the ancients!

  After a day's journey, how I want to go back to that China thousands of years ago. To feel the literati's life atmosphere, experience that kind of leisurely and happy life. The city is busy, and the neon lights at night are very dazzling, but I still want to return to the leisurely and bleak life experience of ancient times,admiring the beauty of rural landscape.
