



One-day tour of Chinese museums. 600字高中英语作文

2022-03-15 06:50:18 栏目:高中英语作文 来源:蘑菇文

  Today is the Chinese Chinese costume Festival,I went on a one-day trip to the Chinese museum with my little friend. Although very tired, but we are very happy.

  The first thing we went to visit was Chinese Hanfu. As is known to all, Hanfu is a treasure of China,Hanfu carries the essence of Chinese traditional culture. There are unfinished, there are Han Dynasty, there are Tang Dynasty, Song Dynasty, Yuan Dynasty, Ming Dynasty, and Qing Dynasty. There are many kinds of Hanfu and they are very beautiful. I believe that one day wearing Hanfu on the street is not a rare thing. Then we went to visit the Chinese antiques. There are Chinese ceramic scrolls and silk fabrics. From these cultural relics, I deeply realized the long history and culture of China. These artifacts carry 5000 years of memory. They are the treasure of China and the pride of the nation. They represent the profoundness and the source is distant and the stream long of Chinese culture. Finally we went to visit the cultural relics and historic sites. Most of these buildings have been restored, but they still can't go back to the past. Walking in the ancient streets of Long Street, I felt the deep ancient atmosphere. How interesting was the life of the ancients!

  After a day's journey, how I want to go back to that China thousands of years ago. To feel the literati's life atmosphere, experience that kind of leisurely and happy life. The city is busy, and the neon lights at night are very dazzling, but I still want to return to the leisurely and bleak life experience of ancient times,admiring the beauty of rural landscape.

One-day tour of Chinese museums.

Evaluation should be objective and fair.

  In recent years, with the rise of social networks, people's lives have become an instant message comment area on the Internet. People have their own opinions and are not lively. It has become a compulsory course for people to evaluate the lives of others.

  It is thought that any set of evaluation system has its specific criteria, evaluation methods and evaluation content. People always like to use their own hobbies to measure others, so in the evaluation of other people's lives, personal orientation has become the standard. The difference in evaluation stems from the difference in standards.

  Looking back at history, from civilization to the development of modern society, people's way of life has undergone tremendous changes under the catalysis of the times. Apart from the factors of the times, there are also many differences between inpiduals in the times. While evaluating the lives of others, people also take care of their own status quo, or reflect on their own life shortcomings, in order to promote people to pursue a better life.

  At the same time, a completely different way of life may lead to the evaluator losing confidence in his life, that is, hope leads to the fall of the inpidual. The beauty of dystopian fiction is that the lives of despotic countries in the seven worlds are in stark contrast to those of barbarians. In the numbing world of mutual comparison, the people feel that their lives are superior. The barbarians who yearn for truth, goodness and beauty find that the emptiness of this life floats on the surface, and ultimately they cannot choose to kill himself.

  Since there are no fixed paradigm rules, can we comment on the lives of others? Doesn't that make it a lot of money to destroy bones? The more appropriate attitude is to evaluate according to the universal values ​ ​ of human basic morality. It is not possible to say a word, and the norms must not impose personal values ​ ​ on others. Celebrity life on major social platforms is always a topic that people are happy to talk about. People comment on celebrities'words and deeds according to their living habits, and form a huge public opinion force to have an impact. In the face of ordinary people in life, people often stand on the moral high ground overlooking all beings and evolve mutual evaluation into moral kidnapping. Forget what you don't want, don't do it to others, and be strict with the ancient teachings of self-discipline.

  There is a saying at the beginning of the book the great Gatsby. Whenever you want to criticize others, remember that not everyone in the world has such good conditions as you. The hero of the novel, the rich Gatsby, is such a poor man who died in the death of others. He was gentle and well-regarded for bringing his mansion to dinner, but those who enjoyed his party questioned his character and speculated on the source of his wealth.

  It has become a habit for people to evaluate the lives of others. He has both positive and negative influences on each other. Since the difference in evaluation criteria is difficult to avoid, then we should think about how to make an evaluation on the basis of morality and universal values with an objective and fair attitude.
