



Invitation letter 600字高中英语作文

2022-03-15 06:50:18 栏目:高中英语作文 来源:蘑菇文

  Dear Alan,

  My purpose in writing this letter is to invite you to attend the coming music festival in our school. If you are interested, please listen to me continue to introduce to you.

  I know that although you are a student in England, you just came to China not long ago. I think it is a godsend to take this opportunity. In addition, I also learned that you love music very much, so I think this is a very good opportunity. The music Festival held in our school will never let you down, because we will invite many experts and some bands. We have a variety of styles of music on display, rock music, pop music, and some Chinese classical music. Although I know that you are in the UK, you may already be very familiar with rock music, country music and various kinds of music, but you should still know less about traditional Chinese music. There are also many kinds of traditional Chinese musical instruments, such as guzheng, https://www.zuowenku.net Because each of our classmates can invite some friends to participate, so I decided to invite you, because you love music so much. About if you want to perform, you have to carry your own instrument. Don't make loud noises when watching other people's performances, which may be different from your culture. When his performance is over, we need to express our love for the performance and the encouragement of the performers through applause.

  If you decide to join me in the campus music Festival, I will be very grateful. Looking forward to your early reply.

Invitation letter


  Dear Jack,

  How have you been recently? In your last letter, you showed me your concern about my taking the college entrance examination. The purpose of my writing this letter is to introduce you to the relevant content of the college entrance examination and my situation, so that you can feel at ease.

  Because of the impact of the new crown epidemic, so I think this time my college entrance examination will be postponed. Although the college entrance examination has been postponed, it still will not hinder my review. In the past, the time for the college entrance examination was almost in June, but this college entrance examination may be in July. Since I am studying science, I want to take Chinese, math, English, physical chemistry and biology. None of these subjects is very difficult for me, and I am very good at physics and biology. If I only consider Chinese mathematics English subjects, I think my level is still good overall, and the gap with other people is not very large. And I've been going over it for months, getting up at 6: 00 in the morning and going to bed at night at 10:00, so I think my review should be productive. I don't think you need to worry about me, because I'm more confident. Regarding the importance of the college entrance examination, I think a lot of people know it. The college entrance examination determines a person's future and destiny. Although it cannot be said so accurately, he at least determines the level of college. It is well known that college is very important to a person's development. If you don't have a good education in college, then there are many skills that may not be washed, not in elementary school, junior high school and high school. Universities at different levels have different resources. The better the university, the better their teachers are and the more resources they have to learn. And I need it in my future career. See what college you graduated from? Therefore, the importance of the college entrance examination is self-evident. Therefore, I am very concerned about the college entrance examination, and I have also made sufficient preparations for him. I think as long as I do not make mistakes in the examination room of the college entrance examination, or even play extraordinary, I should be able to achieve a better result. So you don't have to worry too much about it.

  Thank you for your concern. I think you can relax now. I hope you have a good life in America, too. Looking forward to your early reply.
