



祝贺信 600字高中英语作文

2022-03-15 06:50:18 栏目:高中英语作文 来源:蘑菇文

  Dear Wei Fang,

  I am pleased to know that you have won first prize in the English Speech Contest,so I'm writing to express my congratulations.

  It comes no surprise to me that you have won first place in the contest,because I know your success is need efforts,and you are intelligence very much.I admire your determination that I very happy.As I know,you have been interested in English Culture.I hope you keep up to it.Would you like to give me some advice?

  Congratulations again on your success.



  Silkworms are very cute. They go from eggs to larvae, then from larvae to adult worms, into mites, and eventually become moths.

  Spring is the season of recovery of all things. The mulberry tree blossoms, the peach tree blossoms, and the silkworm baby is born. Whenever the mulberry flower is very tender, the silkworm baby will burst out of the shell. If they were born earlier, the mulberry tree is still not open, and the silkworm baby will be starved to death; if it is born later, the mulberry tree will be opened again, and the silkworm baby will be starved to death. Silkworms just born are like sesame seeds, and thousands of people get together. As the days passed, the silkworms gradually became larvae. They are black and yellow all over, and they are very thin, like a match, but very smooth. They are furry and feel smoother than human skin.

  The silkworm has begun its adult life. Its body is not black and yellow, but it turns white, like a train, one section, and there is no black spot on one section; its body is not so thin, it is It is as thick as a pencil; its body is not furry, but it has a lot of tentacles. It is gray and white, very beautiful.

  After a few more days, the silkworm gradually became a cockroach. It will spit out and entangle yourself and live there for months. The mouth spits out a liquid, softens the silk, and then makes the egg out of a hole, it becomes a moth, and finally flies out of the egg.

  The life process of silkworms is like this cycle.

  Silkworms are more lovely when they eat. It is an artist, and what shapes of graphics can be eaten. Sometimes, it will also follow a line of mulberry leaves.

  Silkworms sleep every day. Sleeping, there will always be a few together, sleeping between two mulberry leaves. Because mulberry leaves are not only their mattresses, but also their quilts.

  Silkworms are moving. They will wrestle together in two or two, or play football on the mulberry leaves.

  Silkworms are all treasures. The silk it spits out can weave clothes for people; its feces are detoxifying and detoxifying; its skin is also very precious.

  Therefore, we must protect the silkworm and not let it be hurt. If there is one less silkworm, the world will lose a life and lack resources.
