



Rhythm of Youth 600字高中英语作文

2022-03-15 06:50:19 栏目:高中英语作文 来源:蘑菇文

  Youth is the most precious treasure for us, which respect infinite zeal in lives. Every youngster who are like us have a heart which never fear any things because they are young.

  As for us, there are many things which we lack. We are green, so we have no experience. We are young, so we have no much stuff. Nevertheless, we have many chance to experience and gain things which we don't possess now. Young is just a kind of hopes, we still have a heart to achieve our goals. Plus we can persist in running to our objects. Maybe we are able to confront many pains. Moreover, we need to experience them for elevating ourselves. The word, no pains then no gains, helps us to beat our enemies on the ways.

  I shouldn't feel fearful but zealous. Because we can see our dreams in our hearts and our ways in front of our eyes. I believe tomorrow can let us learn more new things.

Rhythm of Youth


  To be a outstanding person should possess many abilities, but I think it is the most important for us to have self-control. If one can come to a high degree, maybe he or her doesn't have genius, patience... But he or her must have self-control. They can have a plan which tell themselves what to do, and they can finish all of plans in time.

  In lives, we often admire a person can deal with many tangled things. They seem very perfect because they have infinite time to do all things well. However, we don't be aware of the fact which we also have chance to finish our goals but we always idle away and doze off. What you can become depend on if you can control yourself to achieve your objects.

  It no use discontenting with affairs at life, you need to think about whether you finish your every thing in time. Now we can draw a simple conclusion from it: self-control is everything.
