



protect the frog 600字高中英语作文

2022-03-15 06:50:19 栏目:高中英语作文 来源:蘑菇文

  There are many kinds of frogs in my hometown.What makes them vital is that frogs are enemies of pest, which indirectly benefits farmers' crop. However, the number of frogs has been decreasing recently.There is no doubt that farmers' crop will be destroyed by the increasing pest soon if we take no messure to protect the frog.Therefore,we are bound to work together to prevent them from dying.First,we are expected to stop catching the frog and say no to all the food made from frogs.Second,please remember that don't pollute the environment.Otherwise,the frog will lose their habitat and can't adapt themselves to the surroundings,leading to their disappearance. In a word,no frogs,no crop.

protect the frog

A letter to Ben

  Dear Ben, I am not but happy to know that you are coming to China and spending your vocation traveling my country.I am also honored to give you some advice on chinese customs. First,when you meet a person for the first time of whom you want to make acquaintance,you are supposed to shake hands him or her.Second,if invited to one's house,you'd better buy a suitable present such as a bunch of flowers as a gesture of faith.Furthermore,it's impolite of you not to meet the appointment on time and knock at the door before you go into the house.Last but not least,don't talk loudly in a public place,or you will be considered as a rude man. I hope that my tips do good to you. Yours, Bin
