



A letter to Ben 600字高中英语作文

2022-03-15 06:50:19 栏目:高中英语作文 来源:蘑菇文

  Dear Ben, I am not but happy to know that you are coming to China and spending your vocation traveling my country.I am also honored to give you some advice on chinese customs. First,when you meet a person for the first time of whom you want to make acquaintance,you are supposed to shake hands him or her.Second,if invited to one's house,you'd better buy a suitable present such as a bunch of flowers as a gesture of faith.Furthermore,it's impolite of you not to meet the appointment on time and knock at the door before you go into the house.Last but not least,don't talk loudly in a public place,or you will be considered as a rude man. I hope that my tips do good to you. Yours, Bin

A letter to Ben

Helping Those People Who Need Helps

  As the economy develops constantly, our lives have a great changed. But we can't ignore that some people are still poor and can't hold on their families. I think it is necessary to help those underprivileged people.

  Maybe some people will consider the money, but contributing is only as a means of helping them. We also have many other ways to help them. It is important for us to do some things which we can do, which can spread to all the society. When all people are unconcious to do these things, our society become really perfect.

  Helping others is simple, such as giving some books or clothes. If you have a kind heart, you will become a candle to light this world.
