



Helping Those People Who Need Helps 600字高中英语作文

2022-03-15 06:50:19 栏目:高中英语作文 来源:蘑菇文

  As the economy develops constantly, our lives have a great changed. But we can't ignore that some people are still poor and can't hold on their families. I think it is necessary to help those underprivileged people.

  Maybe some people will consider the money, but contributing is only as a means of helping them. We also have many other ways to help them. It is important for us to do some things which we can do, which can spread to all the society. When all people are unconcious to do these things, our society become really perfect.

  Helping others is simple, such as giving some books or clothes. If you have a kind heart, you will become a candle to light this world.

Helping Those People Who Need Helps


  Vegetable is always undesirable, but people don't know its importantce for our health. Virtually it is more essential for our body.

  Delicious as they are not, they have much vitamins. However, some people refuse to eat vegetable, which will have a great influence in them. They will become ill because of lacking some essential elements. Eating meat and dessert without vegetable is easy to let one become fat, which is also easy to lead to some illness. So we need to have healthy habit, we should eat vegetable more.

  If you eat them a long time, you will love it. What vegetable can let us more healthy is no doubt.
