



Music Therapy 600字高中英语作文

2022-03-15 06:50:19 栏目:高中英语作文 来源:蘑菇文

  Many people find that music lifts their emotions. Now there is a new and special treatment therapy helpful to depression has been proposed.

  "The current studies indicate that music therapy may be able to improve mood and has low drop-out rates" said author Anna Maratos. Compared with conventional therapies, music therapy has the advantage of easy acceptance by sensitive people. For instance, when we are asked with embarrassing question, music therapy can solve the dilemma by the way of listening and creating.

  The good things, such as music, flowers and sea, which secure the fun of our life.

Music Therapy

How Important Extracurricular Activities have become On Campus?

  According to the survey recorded in the book named Our Underachieving Colleges. Just 20% of the content of class lectures was remembered by students after a week.

  It turns out the necessity of the extracurricular activities should be paid more attention in our daily life. As it can obtain what we can not recognize from book in the classroom. Such as friendship built in the activities, problem solving skills. It also have a benefit of open-minded.

  Just as the saying goes, all work and no play makes Jack a dull child.
