



山东理工大学“红色之旅”实践团举行英语作文比赛 600字初中英语作文

2022-03-15 06:50:19 栏目:初中英语作文 来源:蘑菇文


  此次比赛本着“人人参与”的原则,在初中三个年级中进行。以《My holidy》(我的假期)为题,学生们现场发挥,在30分钟的时间内写出一篇100词作文。比赛过程中,参赛选手胸有成竹,屏气凝神,严格遵守比赛规则,表现出优秀的参赛风格。全部同学在规定时间内完成,甚至有几位同学提前做完,显示出同学们对英语的有效掌握。学生作文水平虽显稚嫩,但从单词、句子的运用,到语法篇章的安排,都显示出了英语教学有了明显的进步,这是同学们勤学英语的结果,也是每位实践队员辛勤教学的结果。最终,赵芳同学脱颖而出荣获一等奖,刘涵、赵紫、赵伟等分获




The New Year‘s Eve

  The New Year's Eve is a meaningful night, which full of expectation and happiness for the comping up new year. It is the last night in the last month of lunar calendar and the first day of the next year, so it serves as a transition. In the course of day, every family make special purchase and sweep the dust. In the afternoon, people paste distich on the door to drive away ghost and back of illness and disaster. Then, it is time to have a family reunion dinner when the sun goes down. For the most part, dinners are dumplings, which one could be in a bag of coins and who eat it will be the lucky Gus in the family in the new year. As night began to fall, the sky shone with the light from the fireworks, which went off in a cascade of color. The children cheer for fireworks busting into bloom in the ground. However, when the old look up at the colorful sky, they feel happy, but they feel a little sorrow as well. Besides, somewhere exist a custom named staying up, people didn't sleep until next morning to greet the new year. On the whole, the New Year's Eve is brimming with happiness.
