



intelligence 600字高中英语作文

2022-03-15 06:50:20 栏目:高中英语作文 来源:蘑菇文

  What is intelligence? Someone said, the meaning of intelligence including intelligent, foresee, speed, can deal with a lot of events at the same time. Someone put intelligence is defined as the study,the ability to judge and imagination. In modern literature, intelligence often refers to the abstract thinking ability, reasoning ability and the ability to organize information.Others put the intellectual expression more concise, said that intelligence is a guess, is to find some new internal order & quot; Good guess & quot; . For many people, is you don't know what to do, can, the usual practice, didn't work, need the ability to innovate.

  So whether the person's intelligence is higher than other animals? It depends on how developed brain, brain is only the outside layer,the cerebral cortex, obviously with the formation & quot; The new lenovo & quot; The relevant. only equivalent to the thickness of a dime. The human brain cortex was full of wrinkles, but if it falls off and put it,

  The human brain cortex was full of wrinkles, but if it falls off and put it, its area is equivalent to about four printing paper. Therefore, the person's intelligence intelligence is much higher than animals.


The history of books

  Formal books, is in the spring and autumn period and the warring states era, more than two thousand years ago.At first, people written on pieces of bamboo or wood and these bamboo or wood called Jane or suffer. Breaking bamboo board in the same length and width of thin (usually 5 inches to 2 feet in length), made the surface, in the above lettering or paint pen to write with a knife, each piece can be written for 8 to 14 characters.

  Some slips of the with hemp rope,wire rope or pimp string up, ike put on a rope among a few pieces of bamboo slips. Legend because Confucius study diligently, and the wear volume of thongs broken many times.This heavy book, of course, is very convenient to use. It is said that emperor qin shi huang examines 120 catties of slips of paper every day.

  Now, not only many varieties, and some smaller and smaller.Miniature book preservation and use is very convenient, if the 10000 kinds of each of the 150000 - word book put together, the total weight of it is about 5 tons, books’history.
