



The glory of the blue 600字高中英语作文

2022-03-15 06:50:20 栏目:高中英语作文 来源:蘑菇文

  Male blue in the amazon jungle with striking rainbow blue light. Blue light is so strong, its secret lies in its wings have unique optical properties. Some actually reflect 70% blue light, far more than blue coatings reflectivity. This aroused the interest of scientists and engineers a lot, its principle is researched.

  People in more than one hundred years ago found that blue wings have unique optical properties, but only recently begun to understand the mechanism of reflective blue wings and exquisite structure. Blue wings covered with many composed of a single epidermal cells on the tiny chitin scales, this is the powder when it hands touch the butterfly wings. Microscope observation scales, that scales surface with many parallel ridged bumps parallel arrangement of the plume. "Feathers" on both sides of the trunk gives birth to a number of branch, the length of the branches along the trunk from root to tip gradually become shorter. This structure is similar to man-made multilayer dielectric mirror, but the structure is more exquisite.

  Synthetic multilayer dielectric mirrors made up of many layers of transparent medium, the reflected light has a strong directional: to close to the vertical incident monochromatic light has a very high reflectivity, but for the oblique incident light of the reflectivity is lower. In other words, the observer can only be seen in the small Angle reflection beams, slightly off can't see. Surprise scientists are: blue wings glance is wide Angle, can see the Angle of up to a baidu! Blue wings of the secret of this wonderful optical performance is the branch of the plume is not completely in the same plane, but each has a slightly different Angle, this arrangement allows reflective Angle increase greatly. Blue wings also have color choices, which the size of the plume can enhance just blue light reflection, and its branches, the more reflective is stronger.

The glory of the blue

Alternative New Orleans

  In the insect world, bumblebee is definitely a "alternative", its physical huge, and thus, there is almost no natural enemies. It's like a lion on the African savannah, at the top of the food chain of insect.

  In principle, bumblebee body parts should be far better than other insects. The fact is indeed. It developed mouthparts, palate thick, strong legs. End of the female body is terrible sting long, even on the poison capsule, secrete venom, bee would see it shun, even the insects, the famous hunter spider bumblebee, can only stay out. Bumblebee appearance, actually looks like panda, some funny, heavy body, but small wings, body proportion, a bit slow at the awkward. Such a big MAC, but fly puissant, deserve to go up "buzzing" roar, has become the bomber in the insect world. Biologists and physicists of bumblebee body structure, the study found, in fact, relative to other posture is lightsome, broad wings flying animals, bumblebee body there is a fatal flaw, narrow wings and heavy body proportion, according to the existing theory of biology and flight to infer, the hornets have absolutely no reason to fly. But surprising, however, is that all should not have the ability to fly adult wasps are able to fly, fly and ability is not inferior to the other flying ace in insects.

  Ponderous bumblebee why can fly? It is a mystery. Social behavior at another answer is given, that is every a bumblebee grew up to face a life and death choice: can't fly, can't honey in the flowers, can only be starved to death. Don't be starved to death, has become the only reason for the bumblebee fly. Bumblebee is glad you are not human, do not know what biology and knowledge of flight, if it knows the theory, know your body does not have the requirement of fly, then in the nature of the hornet, its fate will be completely changed.
