



A total solar eclipse 600字高中英语作文

2022-03-15 06:50:20 栏目:高中英语作文 来源:蘑菇文

  On July 22, 2009, there will be a rare total solar eclipse spectacle. Time is at 9 am in leshan city 6 points, at this time the sky suddenly dark, the sun will be the moon completely "eat", looks like a "black bread" in the sky, shine a circle, then gradually to the east.

  On July 22, 2009, there will be a rare total solar eclipse spectacle. Time is at 9 am in leshan city 6 points, at this time the sky suddenly dark, the sun will be the moon completely "eat", looks like a "black bread" in the sky, shine a circle, then gradually to the east.A total eclipse process is pided into early losses, both fresh, very fresh, light, last contact five process. The first contact of the total solar eclipse time is 7 PM 57 minutes 57 seconds in leshan, 03 both fresh to the light from the nine points and 12 seconds to the end of the 9 7 minutes and 15 seconds. The time of the chongqing 10 minutes later than in leshan.

  The rare total solar eclipse is a host can see in China in the 21st century, one of the most spectacular astronomical will almost covers the whole Yangtze river basin, some cities can watch the total solar eclipse time will last for 6 minutes, expected to see 300 million people will be in our country. As long as the vision, no obstacles block, office or home balcony are good observation points.

  At the same time, the total solar eclipse occurs, must not to watch the sun with the naked eye, can use high-quality sunglasses or astronomical telescope.

A total solar eclipse

Qin ling

  Stretch across China Eastern qinling, white stone mountain west near tam county, gansu province, east longitude tianshui maijishan, through shaanxi, henan, about 1600 km, the north and the south tens of kilometers to a wupan km wide, majestic.

  the towering qinling has created the guanzhong males. "Four solid plug thought" the guanzhong basin (shi-ji Liu Jingshu Sun Tong upright). The guanzhong "four," the east, south, west three plug into by the qinling mountains, the east huashan, Wang Shunshan, mount li, east real food, mountains, stand in the Yellow River and waterinfo between; The south taibai mountain, mount zhongnan, etc,cut off in western guanzhong. Another plus YaoShan, Huang Longshan vistas of mountains in the north and together make up the guanzhong and surrounded the terrain. Around mountains between rolling, mountainous, with many in north-west narrow. For its all around has: east to tongguan or letter of valley, south is close, west to scatter, north to Xiao Guan. Tongguan is east into the guanzhong's natural defenses, the south qinling, have nutrient-laden los of the Yellow River and to the north, built in the south qinling shuhe ShangShan GuJian, deep cliff, so-called "fortress integrating ecology"; Scatter off the west the conjugate traffic arteries in guanzhong plain, south in accordance with the qinling mountains, is the throat of shu qin exchanges and the mohican. The other northern Xiao Guan r LiuPanShan foothill, KongE camels the arteries to the guanzhong. Because of qinling, the guanzhong into can attack and retreat and defend, formed "within the system of imperial" good momentum. Occupy the guanzhong, means that the mastery of the world "essentials", throttled kyushu "throat".
