



Sea ray 600字高中英语作文

2022-03-15 06:50:20 栏目:高中英语作文 来源:蘑菇文

  If you can see the sea at night, it was quite magnificent. It like a star point, and as milk a slice of light, like a colorful fireworks. People call this phenomenon as the "sea of fire", this fascinating sight who caused it? Who is the masterpiece?

  There is a light appeared in the sea voyage and around the stern of a ship under spray foam, this is mainly caused by the particles small luminous plankton. Itself more than a rose red, usually with a fatty substance in the body can put light. Glowing characteristics is by countless white, light green or light red flash. But usually only on the surface of a mechanical disturbance or they are more distinct chemical stimulus. When sea waves push them to gravel coast, they glow is triggered by a larger. Like a beam of light coming from flying sparks, such as "fire rain fall, wave came a wave, the sea luminous type is known as the spark. There is a sea glow is caused by the Marine luminescent bacteria. Their luminous intensity is weak, its characteristic is that whatever sea condition, also no matter whether the outside disturbance, as long as the luminescent bacteria exist in great quantities, the surface will appear a milky glow. Such bacteria in estuary, bay, cold warm, especially the sewer) the most polluted places, such as sea glow called diffuse light.

  Another sea glow is caused by the ocean body larger glitter, such as jellyfish, sponge, moss bug, ring and pest etc. Jellyfish glow on body have special organs, stimulated a large flash, some fish can produce a kind of special material, the material and oxygen effect and shine. This light is usually isolated, in machinery, chemistry, just stick out, they make the sea ray characteristic is a bright one dark, repeated cycle, like a flash, the sea luminous type is known as the flash light.

Sea ray

The world's water resources

  The earth's water resources, respectively, in the form of solid, liquid and gas distribution in the earth's surface and atmosphere, lithosphere and biosphere, the total amount is large, about 13.86 times 10 to 14 cubic meters.

  However, 97.5% of the water is the water of the sea, and the total fresh water accounts for only 2.5% of the world's total water amount. Moreover, a large proportion of the world's freshwater reserves is focused on the poles, ice and deep underground. Due to the limitation of economic and technical conditions, so far, snow and ice solid fresh water and deep groundwater use are very limited. So, easy to use, and closely related to human survival and life of only about 40 times 10 to 14 cubic meters fresh water reserves, accounts for only 11% of the total freshwater, accounts for about 0.3% of the total water amount. Visible, although the global water resources is very big, but in fact the fresh water resources in humans can be directly used to little.

  China is an acute shortage of water, 6 only about a quarter of the world average, and most of the water resources in the south. Since the founding of new China in more than 50 years, rapid growth in the national water use. Water volume is 103.1 billion cubic meters, 1949 to 103.1 billion increased to 554.8 billion cubic meters. In 2004, the total water accounted for 11.7% of domestic water, industrial water 22.2%, ecological water accounted for 1.5%, while agricultural water accounted for 64.6%.
