



The deepest impression of a class 600字高中英语作文

2022-03-15 06:50:20 栏目:高中英语作文 来源:蘑菇文

  In college,There are a lot of coure to study. student can choose different courses to study and student also can get avery big benefit from the coure.

  As for as I am concerned, I also get big benefit from the courses. Last semester, as a sophomore,I chose a course of British Literature. I have a deep impression to the course. because the course have wide rang of knowledge. and unusual teaching method. It was above all that the course expand my horizons. and I also study a lot of proctical knowledge. I also got an in-depth understanding of Britain.

  In college. I am very satisefied to the courses. I also very happy to choose the British literature. It surely has a grent effect on me.

The deepest impression of a class

online shopping

  Now,online shopping have become a fashion.To this online shopping,it has many advantages.but it also has many disadvantages.

  Many advantages: online shopping is very convenient to everyone.people can save a lot of time to do other thing and not necessary to waste a lot of time to go shopping at market.

  Many disadvantages: we buy some things at online, but we buy things have many quality very bad and have many things is useless. so online shopping is vety not good.

  To this online shopping question. I also have many suggests. I think we should cautious to buy a lot of things. To we buy some things and we should watch some estimates if have mang good estimates and less bad estimates. we can buy this thing. Only in this way, we can buy many useful things.
