



道歉信 600字高中英语作文

2022-03-15 06:50:27 栏目:高中英语作文 来源:蘑菇文

  Dear Mr. Wang,

  The purpose of my writing this letter is to express my sincere apologies to you. I think you're feeling a little distracted these days, too. So I'm going to write you a letter about this.

  Just two days ago, a friend of mine came to my house to be a guest. He is a stray singer. It is said that the singer is actually not, he is just a very ordinary ordinary person who likes music. But he just likes music very much, so he often sings his favorite songs in the street. He sings really well and I admire him very much. But in fact he does not have any actual economic income. So he's staying at my house these days.I think he is a man with a dream. He pursues his ideal. Although there are some ups and downs in the journey of life, he has been very active in dealing with it. But the main thing is that the activities we came in seem to have affected your life. Because he is a wandering rock singer. He is very fond of singing and playing rock music. This will bring trouble to the neighbors. It is well known that the sound of rock music is very loud. That way, it'll wake up the neighbors late at night. So I also told him not long ago that if he wants to play, try to be in the daytime. But I still can't guarantee that you won't be resting or working during the day. So I would like to express my sincere apologies for our activities. I think I and he caused everything that happened. After the day after tomorrow he will slowly complete his stay. Not long ago he found a restaurant where he could fimbriae.This is very good news. In this way he can have his own life, but also can not disturb others. But I still want to apologize for the trouble I've caused you in recent years. I hope you'll forgive me, because I had to.

  Once again, I sincerely apologize. If you can forgive me, I will be very grateful.



  Dear Tom,

  The purpose of my writing this letter is to invite you to my home. The specific content is as follows.

  As our family is moving to a new place to live, we bought a very large villa. It was only the week before that we completely moved our things there. In order to start the moving party as soon as possible, we stepped up our speed. At present we have moved all the furniture to that villa. We bought all the other furniture, too. I think our new home, as well as his decoration are very good-looking. It is more important to invite you to visit our home and make relevant comments. We've invited a lot of people, but I know you're a professional. Although our furniture has been bought, we haven't decided where to put it. And we all think that placing furniture is a technical job. So we need more and more professional people advise us. I think you are the best candidate. But it doesn't matter. It's important to share with you the joy of our move. We send you this invitation in the hope that you will take the time to say yes. The exact time is next Wednesday evening.We checked the yellow calendar, that day is a more auspicious day, I think that day is just right. I'm looking forward to your arrival.

  I would appreciate it very much if you could agree to our invitation. Looking forward to your early reply.
