



Letter of apology 600字高中英语作文

2022-03-15 06:50:27 栏目:高中英语作文 来源:蘑菇文

  Dear Mike,

  The purpose of my writing this letter is to express my sincere apologies to you. Maybe you'll suddenly think I'm weird. But for this matter I am very guilty. I hope you can patiently listen to me to express my apologies.

  Remember last week when you told me you wanted me to pick up your delivery? Qin Shi, you have to go to other places to study,but your express is coming to our school. Because you don't want to miss the express delivery, you want me to help you get the express delivery in advance. I always keep this in mind. Just yesterday, I went to get your delivery. I have taken it to the dormitory and waited for you to come back, but the accident happened. I put your express box next to the door. But when I was about to clean the dormitory, I carried a bucket of water. I accidentally hooked my foot on the threshold and fell. All the water in the bucket was poured out. So your delivery was wet with water from my bucket.But by the time I noticed, your suitcase was completely wet. I reacted quickly and took your perfume to a dry place. I was very anxious to open the box and see if the book inside was all right. I was delighted to find that there were five books in it, but only the one on the surface was a little wet. Although this is the case, but I still feel very serious. What I did was really careless. I'm very sorry for the inconvenience. I hope you can forgive me. I can also make compensation for this. I'll buy you the exact same book and I hope you'll forgive me. Another option is that I can give you the same price as this book. I don't think there will be any more mistakes in doing so.

  Looking forward to your early reply.

Letter of apology

Strange dreams

  Speaking of dreaming, I believe everyone has experienced it. Dreams are no stranger to everyone, and they will not meet us at night. But I think everyone's experience of dreams is different. Some people are so shallow in their dreams that it is difficult for them to remember what they are dreaming of. But some people dream very clearly. Some people can even clearly remember the details of the dream, and sometimes even realize that they are dreaming. I think dreams are really amazing things.

  I think people who usually fantasize will dream even more strangely. This is related to personal factors. A person who pays more attention to taste life in life and enjoys life and pays more attention to the details of life,dreams that seem to be harder to get used to. But I'm different. Because I am an introvert in my life. So a lot of times I think about a lot of things at night. Cause me to do a lot of strange things in my dreams. Sometimes I dream of being chased, or jumping off a building or something particularly strange. Although this is a dream, but sometimes it is very real. Sometimes I feel like I'm dreaming, which I'm clearly aware of. Sometimes when I have nightmares, I choose to kill myself. So I can get out of my dream. Isn't it strange? Of course, there will be very beautiful dreams. Happy things in dreams are always magnified. Is that you don't feel very happy in real life. The feeling of being happy in a dream is very, very happy, that is, the kind of heart told you. So I think dreams are really amazing.

  But as the pressure of life gets bigger, I feel that my dreams are getting shorter and shorter and more and more blurred. I don't know if this is a good thing or a bad thing. If it's a nightmare, no one should want to do it. So I think it's best not to dream. Bravely live in reality.
