



请求信 600字高中英语作文

2022-03-15 06:50:28 栏目:高中英语作文 来源:蘑菇文

  Dear Amy,

  The purpose of my writing this letter is to give you a request. Because I heard you do purchasing in Japan,I happen to have a lot of things I want to buy that are imported from Japan,so I really hope you can do me this favor.

  You know, it costs a lot to buy foreign products at home. I hope to save this cost to do more things, so I hope you can do a purchasing. Because you're in the heart of Japan right now,I think you can easily buy what I want to buy. I will not ask for the specific time, because it must be at your convenience. You told me recently that you were going to Japan for a trip, and now you have arrived, so I don't know how many more days you will stay. If you still need to stay for a month or two, I won't force it. All you have to do is buy it before you come back from your trip.First wish you had a nice trip. I need to buy three purchasing products. These three products are a,b and c. The prices of these three products are all below 1,000 yuan. If your yen is not enough, or your budget is not enough, You don't have to buy c products first. Because that product is not what I urgently need now, and the domestic price is not much different from the Japanese price. Both A and b products are very convenient to buy. I hope you must do me this favor. In the future, if you have any need for help, you can ask for it. I will do my best. If you think it's too much trouble or for some reason you can't buy it for me, I'll delegate.

  I would appreciate it very much if you would grant my request. Looking forward to your early reply.



  Dear Lily,

  The purpose of my writing this letter is to express my sincere apology to you. I broke the cup on your desk yesterday. I know that's something very important to you, so the following is an apology.

  This is how it happened. As I was still studying in my dormitory yesterday, all my roommates went out. I want to do a big cleaning of the dormitory when there are very few people in the dormitory. Because our bedroom is too dirty, a lot of black handprints on the wall, the table is also very messy, there are a lot of waste paper on the ground. I had finished sweeping the floor when I was about to mop it,I accidentally touched the cup on your desk with a mop. The cup fell straight off the table. Your cup hadn't broken yet, but it fell apart when I picked it up. I express my sincere apologies for my carelessness. Please be sure to forgive me. If there's anything I can do to make it up to you, please let me know. One of the compensation plans I came up with was to pay you for a cup that was almost similar. I thought you once said that cup was a limited edition bought online. Please tell me the website of that product. If it is sold out, I will go to other ways to buy from others. I'll make it up to you for the exact same one, and if I can't I'll make it up to you for a very similar one. Do you think that's okay? If you don't think it's gonna work, you can ask me.

  Once again, I sincerely apologize. I hope you must forgive me. Looking forward to your early reply.
