



A letter 600字高中英语作文

2022-03-15 06:50:28 栏目:高中英语作文 来源:蘑菇文

  Dear Tom

  You have told me that you are very interested in how we Chinese celebrate our traditional festivals. Here we will have an activities about celebrating Chinese Spring Festivals.

  We are going to launch a campaign from 3 PM to 10 PM on the lunar calendar on December 30th 2019. In this event, you can learn about Chinese traditional culture. You can have delicious Chinese meals and enjoy the happy atmosphere in the event. You can also watch some funny Chinese traditional performance acting by our students, From my perspective, I sincerely invite you to perform a show which combines Chinese and western culture. In this case, we can learn different cultures, and I believe you can have a ball if you accept my invitation.

  We will have these activities in our school academic report hall. I can't be more grateful if you can join us and perform a show in that's interesting events! Looking forward to your reply.

  Your sincerely

  Li Hua

A letter

A Speech

  Dear friends

  In recent years, many of us spend a lot of time on the internet with its popularity. While we are enjoying the convenience brought by the internet, we are probably losing the ability to write Chinese characters . In order to protect our traditional culture, I would like to share my opinions on behalf of the Student Union.

  We should develop a good habit in practicing handwriting and keeping a diary. We should use Chinese characters so that we can't forget them. Then we can also practice calligraphy. From my perspective, this will not only improve our handwriting, but also give us a chance to attach to Chinese traditional culture. We will also launch a campaign about calligraphy. Those who have great interest can join us.

  I think that my suggestions can raise our awareness and pay more attention on this matter. Let's take action now!
