



Find The Cause from Ourselves 600字高中英语作文

2022-03-15 06:50:28 栏目:高中英语作文 来源:蘑菇文

  Once I came across such words as " If a jewal falls into the mire, it remains as precious as before; and though dust should ascend to heaven, its former worthlessness will not be altered".

  Then it hits me : It's not the external condition that decides your value. We're used to attributing our failure to the objective factors rather than to ourselves. It seems that we are likely to complain that our genius is unrecognised. As is often the case, our talent is not as much as we think.

  So what can be credited for our failure? The answer is clear : We, ourselves. Right! It's our endeavour, diligent and determination that play an important role in our process of reading success. There are many examples can illustrate its validity. Einstein, Newton and Bill Gates, all of which have a history of struggles.

  In a word, when we fail, we should find the cause from oueselves rather than others.

Find The Cause from Ourselves

Never Fall Over Your Own Bluff

  Shakespeare once said," Cowards die many times before their death." In my oppoin, this sentence points out the foolishness of the ones defeated by thier own bluff.

  In reality, there are times when we fail just for our own bluff. We don't dare to compete merely because of the fear of failure, we're not willinf to show ourselves just becaause that we're afraid of making a fool of ourselves and being scoffed.

  It's only human to want to show the best of ourselves. After all, no one wants to be a joke in others' eyes. But there's no need to be too much about others' ideas. As a result, we we thingk too much and get nowhere. In fact, things may be not as bad as we think, in many cases.

  In a word, do ont corss the bridge, until you come t it; never fall over your own bluff. So, be brave to try and work.
