



Learn Chinese 600字高中英语作文

2022-03-15 06:50:28 栏目:高中英语作文 来源:蘑菇文

  Dear Mike,

  It's a long time since we have seen each other. How is going? I'm very miss you and hope to meet you again as soon as possible. To my delight,you are going to learn Chinese. The followings are my advice.

  First of all, Chinese has many commons in English especially grammer. So, you should have a good command of your language's grammer.Besides, you can make friends with Chinese such as me. Meanwhile, you'd better take a conversation with him who is your friend in English. What's more,you can watch Chinese movies and listen to Chinese songs.Last but not least,I hope we can help each other.You know,my English is poor.So may we have a pleasant cooperation.

  In a word,I'm looking forward to hearing good news from you.

  Good luck to you!


  Li Hua

Learn Chinese

Do you know much about Taiwan?

  Maybe you have been to Taiwan many times, and you may already know which department store is best for shopping or which restaurant is best for local cuisine. But, do you know much about the cultures and customs of Taiwan?

  Taiwan has developed a distinct style of cuisine. For example, "bubble tea", which is very popular around the world, originated in Taiwan. The traditional tea culture can also be found in Taiwan. Among different species of tea, Taiwan oolong is the most well-known. It's one of the best-selling souvenirs.

  In term of recreation, KTV (Karoke television) is incredibly popular among Taiwanese. Lots of teenagers like to stay in KTV for the whole day with their friends. Besides, Taiwanese drama is also another unique culture of Taiwan. Unlike Korean dramas, they are more likely to focus on family and moral issues, and thus they are more popular in places like Singapore, Malaysia etc.

  Of course, there is still lots of cultures of Taiwan not mentioned and they are just waiting for you to explore!
