



Write an article for the school magazine about a place 600字高中英语作文

2022-03-15 06:50:28 栏目:高中英语作文 来源:蘑菇文

  Why Taiwan is my favourite holiday destination?

  I am sure most of you have never been to Taiwan. Taiwan is my favourite holiday destination, not only because it's one of the most exotic places in the world, but also because it's a place full of human warmth, which you can rarely find in China. You will always feel you are welcomed wherever you are in taiwan, simply because people in Taiwan are very enthusiastic and treat you as their friends!

  In additional the short distance between China and Taiwan also makes me choose Taiwan as the best holiday destination. It's so convenient that I only need about 1.5 hours to go to Taiwan from China! So, isn't Taiwan a good place to travel to?

  My most memorable experiences there

  Last year, I travelled to Taiwan with my family. even though it was not the first time I have been to Taiwan, I still had some unforgettable memories of this visit.

  In order to experience the local life there, we chose to stay with a host family. They treated us like their family members.

  Once we came back very late from a tourist attraction and most restaurants had closed already, the family immediately cooked some noodles for us. That moment was so touching!

  I wouldn't be able to experience all that if I had chosen to stay in a hotel. Such experiences made my trip to Taiwan a most unforgettable and memorable one in my heart.

Write an article for the school magazine about a place

Intelligent express

  China post has announced to open outlets nationwide since 5000, any Courier company to deliver goods, all can enjoy this service. Since the existing postal outlets include its own network and intelligent express ark "unattended". Behind the seemingly simple since the open system, is the big market of intelligent express. Enterprises and departments in charge of per capita, experts intelligent express has become the current government driven express the important methods to meet the demand of consumer and business.

  Courier will delivery package to in residential intelligent express ark, send take messages to the recipient. Recipient queries via phone - enter a password to open the door to take three steps, you can wrap a Courier from intelligent express chest out, go home.

  This way is more and more welcomed by residents and Courier. Standing vice President of China association of express Li Huide said, at present some intelligent express ark, represents the future development direction of China's express industry, intelligent express, through introducing the modern methods of informatization, big data, fusion prediction, in order to more convenient intelligent facilities (such as intelligent express ark) and means to meet high density, high cost and high human modern express, through the construction of "smart Courier station" of the community service for consumers.
