



Know to give up 600字高中英语作文

2022-03-15 06:50:28 栏目:高中英语作文 来源:蘑菇文

  Motto in life: give up is a kind of wisdom, it can relax, can restore nature, make you really enjoy life; Give up is a choice, not wise to give up, there will be no brilliant choice. Life will inevitably have GouGou KanKan twists and turns, hard to avoid can have depression adversity of disaster, never lose hope, must learn to give up. In the face of lost things, some people always complain, but not to look for new ways, don't you know that "a blessing in disguise, behind bad luck comes good luck?"

  In fact, in life, we should learn to give up, that will make your heart becomes wide, you would have easily, you will become beautiful spring scenery.

  Because only know how to give up is happy, carry baggage walk is always very hard. Because inpiduals accumulate wealth, the more the more official career journey tired, fell on the road is often bags back most of the people. In life, we take all the time and in the choice, we are always eager to take, longing for a possession, often overlooked, ignored the possession - the opposite of giving up. Understand the real meaning of the abandoned, also understand "what, win on" clever attentively.

  To know the real meaning of the give up to see if everything, as experience with the world, we will know when to give up, that's what we get inner balance, a good way to be happy. Life sometimes persecuted you, had to hand over power, have to let go the opportunity, and even have to leave the love. You can't get anything, should learn to give up in life. Give up can make you appear open-minded and generous. Give up can make you calm, give up will make you more wisdom and more powerful.

Know to give up

Move later regret

  Life is like chess, move later regret, an inadvertent, one false move may lose the game. Believe that everyone had a chess pain the deep enlightenment experience: in the situation in a good situation, because a recruit inadvertent, strewn at random one son, the situation become plummet, devil, was destroyed in the nest. From then on, the passive, everywhere defense.

  As is known to all, everyone is different, some people like lively, some people like quiet, some people choose the hustle and bustle of downtown, someone hides in the quiet alley. Life is like the four seasons, a busy and set, is autumn leaves faded and fallen; There are colorful, there is a depression of all things.In our life, most of the time are plain, water out, therefore, bear insipid, is essential. In ordinary life, we every day we repeat the boring day, tired of have to work, in sight of waiting, helpless loneliness.

  When all had good into a cup of plain boiled water, colorless, tasteless we have frowning mouthful drink, can't just dump, also does not have the power to choose. Life is so, the key moment if one false move, step by step walk wrong, from now on is likely wants to come back. "Short pleasure, long lament, again has is one hundred" the list goes on. To win the chess life, only the feet on the ground to walk every step, move slowly, slowly but surely, can out of life without regrets.
