



Business activities 600字高中英语作文

2022-03-15 06:50:28 栏目:高中英语作文 来源:蘑菇文

  Different businesses must have some ways to increase their own profit and boost its reputation. Today, I am going to talk about some of the most common ways.

  Firstly, some businesses will actively take part in charitable activities. By doing that, that business may receive recognition from the public and thus boost its reputation. You may wonder, what kind of charitable activities do the businesses usually take part in? It just depends on the type of that business. For example, if that business is related to paper manufacturing, it may take part in environmental protection activities, to blur the customers' sight on the fact that they are harming the natural environment. Therefore, this can make their business a more competitive one compared to the others in the same industry.

  Furthermore, some may try to participate actively in political events, to show their stance on a certain issue. Different stance may cause different effect on the business itself. For example, if it, especially if it's a large business, stands for the government, the business may receive grants or incentives from the government, which makes the business a stronger one. They may even use those money provided by the government to expand their business. However, if they stand for the citizens, the business may receive support, which are long-lasting to some of them in fact, and they may also gain a profit in return as the business may become a more well-known one.

  Actually, it is just a brief introduction in most business activities. The above mentioned is just a most common trend around the whole world, which does not particularly point towards a single country. I hope all of you do learn more about business studies after reading this passage!

Business activities


  Do you understand the feeling of being rejected and turned down by someone who don't understand you? It's so upset that kills all your mind to keep up.

  Other people just like to focus on your success. They don't care about the process and the way of how you succeed, but only care about the result that you have made. If you do make it a great success, of course that's great as other people will cheer up for you and you will put a big smile on their face, since they all have high expectations on you. But what if you fail and you can't make any meaningful products out, most people just don't care and bet you haven't make your full effort on this matter. Only you, yourself can say firmly that “I have already tried my best!" , and I fail just because I don't have the ability to do so! But the others just won't listen and all they concentrate on is your final result!

  The feeling of being neglected and rejected is really bad. I tell myself that even though I could have a second chance to do all these again, I wouldn't be able to get any higher results because I have already paid full effort in it already! So what? Compared to others, you just like a small dust in the audience's eyes. The final result is the only comparable point between you and other competitors!

  Undeniably, I feel totally depressed by this fact. The only thing that I can do is to deal with all my negative emotions and try to think more positively. I always tell myself that how other people think about you is totally unimportant, however, if you reject yourself in the first place, then, you are really a loser. So I believe that if I didn't give up and I can tell myself that I have already done the best that I could, I wouldn't feel regret at all cause my ability is just that little. By then, you are already a winner, in your own's heart. A lyrics from one English song has been my motto: What does kill you makes you stronger! Be brave and keep it up! You will beat other people's down some day!
