



The size of the cold 600字高中英语作文

2022-03-15 06:50:28 栏目:高中英语作文 来源:蘑菇文

  Cold is nothing actually, really unable to overcome is our fear cold heart, as long as over the hump, everything will be readily solved.

  Remember that winter, cold wind blowing my red cheek and cold I hold hands, shivering door step. Thought: so cold how to go to school? Oh, so cold, why don't you listening to lectures, school is really bitter we students.

  I looked at his watch, already half past, if I don't go out, I will face the problem of late. After some internal struggle, I then grind took home, thought: spelling, endure a endure. I rushed out of the house and feel the wind from the inside to the outside to attack me. I said to myself: "it's okay, don't cold, it is your mind." I gradually relax his muscles tense, feeling the cold wind of catharsis, gradually, maybe is my self hypnosis may play a role, is really not so cold. I can't help to go to the bus stop in big strides.

  In fact, everything is not so difficult, we think just psychological effect on the strings, sometimes the mood to relax, face the so-called cold, will find that it was just a small problem, is not worth our so make a mountain out of a molehill, setbacks and difficulties might it not so?

The size of the cold

mom,I love you

  Mom, I love you, remember I was a little kid, you try that behind me give me clear up the mess, when dad teach me to shoot, you are always the first guard behind me, protect me.

  Grown up, had you gone, turned into a strict mother, once I blame you, hate you, but every time I see the back of your hard work, hear you kind words, all of my resentment disappeared, only love you.

  Mother you were laborious! Thank you for your concern, always have been taught, and you have been severe and gentleness. You are like a high altitude of the sun, illuminate me, like the morning dew, moistens my, like street signs, guided me. But I was often disappoint you.

  I'm sorry, mom. Forgive my capricious and lazy, I can't become who you want to be. But I will try, because I have a heart to love you.

  Mother, thank god let me have you, I love you.
