



做一个有礼貌的人(To be a person 600字高中英语作文

2022-03-15 06:50:29 栏目:高中英语作文 来源:蘑菇文

  as the owner of the country ,it is everyone’s duty person with good manners ,good manners are very important in our lives ,they help to get on well with each other.

  a person with good manners is kind and polite , he does not laugh at people who they are in trouble .instead,he tries to help them .he knows to help others means tohelp himself .he doesn’t jump the queue when getting on a bus or a train .on a bus he often affers his seats to an old man or a woman with a baby.he doesn’t interrupt other people when they are talking.he doesn’t spit or litter in public,either.

  if everyone tries his best to be a person with good manners ,our society will becomen a peaceful and beautiful world .let’s be a person with good manners to make a contribution to holding the olympic ganmes in beijing.

做一个有礼貌的人(To be a person

Where Did the Bird Fly?

  The thin line shows you where the bird flew. It flew in front of the first tree. Then it flew between the first and second trees and behind the second tree. Then it flew over the third tree and under the bridge. After that it flew behind the first house and then it flew between the houses. Then it flew in front of the second house and over the two houses. After that it flew under the bridge and behind the third tree. Then it flew over the other trees.

  The other day, Tom was riding along the street. Suddenly, a car was running towards him fast. He was so frightened that he quickly turned to the left side. But it was too late. The car hit his bike and he fell off it. When the driver realized that he had caused an accident, he got such a fright that he took flight with his car. He was soon out of sight leaving Tom helpless on the spot. Fortunately a passer-by happened to see what had happened and remembered the number of the car. He reported this to the police. Now the driver has been caught and will be punished for his wrong doing.

  Where Did the Bird Fly?
