



Writing for the Dream 600字高中英语作文

2022-03-15 06:50:30 栏目:高中英语作文 来源:蘑菇文

  So many people have their dreams. Admittedly, not all the dreams can be realized. We can't deny the fact that life is never perfect. No one can lead a life without feeling unhappy. In other words, tears, sweaters and laughters together form our life.

  Only by writing down what I dream of can I realize all these dreams. In the world I create by writing, I can possess anything I want. I have access to a happy life in that world.

  I could be wealthy, healthy and well-known. Because this is my real, my fantasy, everything can be permitted.

  Here I have a lot of friends and I don't need to take much time to maintain the friendship. I could quarrel with them as I wish and they would never break up with me because of that.

  I can't escape from the realistic life, but I can give myself another lifestyle by writing. In the world of books, in the world of fantasy, all my dreams could come true. It's brilliant. I know I can never have a happy family but I could imagine one in my works.

  The fact that I enjoy writing proves that I'm still curious about life. Sometimes I prefer explaining things lucidly while I would like to hide or ormit something and leave the space for imagination.

  Writing fiction to me is a proper way to relieve the stress from work.

Writing for the Dream

Getting More Skilled in English

  To my surprise, I can even use voice input with this input method, though this input method is developed in China which is not an English speaking country. Errors don't often occur, which makes me feel better. I think it means that my pronunciation is not so bad.

  I decide to write more articles in English in this way. There is one thing not so perfect about writing English. If one of my articles is rejected, I can't submit this article to other websites. That means I waste some time.

  However, I still think I should writing in English more. Now I have graduated many years and I don't often use English in my daily work. As a result, I begin to forget what I have learned in the past few years, which is really a pity.

  Several years ago I could read English articles and books in a high speed. I could finish reading a book quickly. Now I am not so scared in English. I think bilingual skill is very important at the present. That's why I want to continue learning English and practice more.

  I hate to say that, but my clients can be very tiring and disgusting sometimes. I don't think their mindset is good for their life, but it's none of my business and I can't change them. The best way for me is to keep them away sometimes so that I can both get happy and take some time learning English.

  Come on, I have made up my mind to work hard.
