



A happy day 600字高中英语作文

2022-03-15 06:50:30 栏目:高中英语作文 来源:蘑菇文

  Due to the epidemic,I haven't been out of the house for three months. My family are very upset,Now the epidemic is slowly over,across the country, vigilance has begun to ease.My family is going to organize a tour.After a few days of thinking, We decided to go to Wudang Mountain to play.

  A few days before going to the destination,It's been raining all the time,this is what we have to postpone our plan. But we also get more and more preparation time.Everything will be ready in ten days. We brought enough food and drinks,Because in addition to going to Wudang Mountain attractions,I also want to go to a place near Wudang Mountain. When everything was ready, we set off.

  I have to say that the journey to climb the mountain is very long. Even though the bus was driving very fast, it took us a whole day to get to Wudang Mountain. Because the way to the mountain is very bumpy, the car is driving very fast,I feel very dizzy. But after getting off the bus, breathing fresh air immediately became awake. First we need to buy tickets. But the line for tickets is too long,we waited for a full four hours. Although the waiting is very long,we were still very happy after we bought the tickets.

  In fact, there is nothing special about the journey of Wudang Mountain.There are many ancient buildings.The main journey is actually mountain climbing. Wudang Mountain ten plus ten is too high, we climbed all morning. We didn't get to the top of the mountain until 3:00 in the afternoon. Actually, we're exhausted. But at the top of the hill, look at the scenery below. Rain and fog, blue sky and white clouds, crowds surging. All this makes us very excited. Reminds me of an old saying. It is because of such a difficult road that we have seen the most beautiful scenery. In this way, our hard work has not been in vain. But we were tired, and after breakfast at the top of the hill, we still have to go down the mountain.

  Suddenly I found a place where I could take the cable car. The cable car goes down the mountain very fast and can enjoy the scenery along the way. The most important thing is that the cable car does not need to walk very easily. So we spent money to become a cable car. On the cable car, you can see the green scenery under the mountain. It was actually very high, which scared me a little bit. After 20 minutes we finally came down the mountain. We ended our trip to Wudang Mountain. All in all, we had a good time. But I think I need a good night's sleep. Because I am not only tired, but also very sleepy. This trip also let me learn a lot. How can there be good results without hard work?

A happy day





