



The letter to myself 600字高中英语作文

2022-03-15 06:50:30 栏目:高中英语作文 来源:蘑菇文

  You've always been a kind young man in the past three years,i can well remember you cleaned the classroom before others came on the first day of every semester,and every Sunday you cooked breakfast for your parents.You know,small things can make a difference.So keep it up,and you are sure to win more respect and love for your kindness later in your life.

  However,you are far from perfect.You were not an active participant in school activities.As a result,you missed several chances to improve your confidence and social skills.It's pity,isn't it?

  So now,it's time for you to step out of your comfort zone,avoid shyness and explore your potential.Just remember new challenges and grasp every opportunity for self-improvement.

The letter to myself


  You are graduating from high school next month.Congratulations.Before starting a new chapter of your life,you need to stop and reflect for a while to get ready for a new start.

  The past three years have witnessed you grow into a young man of great willpower.Thanks to so many difficulties you're overcome in life and study,you've now become stronger academically and psychologically,well prepared for bigger challenges in the future.

  However,you are far from perfect.As a student of science,you're been so engaged in the study of science that you didn't have much time for classic literature,which could otherwise enrich your life.Fortunately,it's never too late to learn.From today on ,please form a habit of putting aside at least half an hour a day to reach great works,and gradually you'll find your mind refreshed and your vision expanded.
