



节约用水 600字高中英语作文

2022-03-15 06:50:31 栏目:高中英语作文 来源:蘑菇文

  Some people often like to waste our precious fresh water resource. For example: wash your hands, wash your face, tap special, special. Until the wash only to find, there is a lot of water was very clear, no pollution, but have been wasted. There are many children like boiling water, tap water, the precious water resources with each other to pour to pour. What's more (including adults), turning on the tap is very big, but they are not to use, let the water "rushing" flowing, as if to enjoy a beautiful "cuff Jane falls in quietly". In today's world, fresh water only accounts for three percent of the total amount of water, of which 2/3 or ice, now the world's water resources are poor! "If only last a drop of water on the earth, so is our tears." Every heard of this sentence, my heart can not help nervous, afraid of really have such a day. Now, Chinese was developed: factories, many-storied buildings can be seen everywhere. The population is increasing, the water resources is not used up, could save enough, people are willful waste it, coupled with the pollution, China so into one of the world's twelve water poor countries! Green ablation, and instead is that greedy, Yong Bu satisfied with the desert. Can arch-criminal, is our own! Can't imagine, just like it, what the earth will turn! The Sahara desert is originally a very beautiful place. Because Africa area of dry and hot, make it to seventy years time has been swallowed up the six hundred and fifty-one square kilometers of land in the thirty's.. At present, the drought has affected large areas of Mauritania, Mali, Nigeria, Chad, Sultan, Egypt, Ethiopia, Africa.



  Wake up our youth don't continue to hide in the corner to sleep since then my life you are leading to let my life bright spring days listening to music with fast swing slow dance. The passion to follow this is our dream. This is the world's most beautiful roses have no what can let us down have no what can let us fall apart without what can let us and nothing can make us tired not what can make us regret what can no longer let us back into the wind said loudly we naive fearlessness despite the time water I do not know what time from the beginning, used by the evening the golden sunset on the road home, on the spot barge shadows through the city's high streets and back lanes. This is a the end of the summer, dragging a long string of hot elongation sign. The night has been reluctant to come to this small town by the sea, the sun to be reluctant to part with that piece of blue sky, it would not fall into the western horizon slept, behind the dazzling light glowed lonely sad. Perhaps it deep wounds in the flowing hot blood, will the sky into a red color. A summer vacation has passed, I never can the static under heart to write some of their own words. Busy, which is the only thing that can describe the summer term. Learning life is never idle, it is like is a kind of fate, is this world what are tightly bound, and then how to fight also to no avail, can only suffer in silence, and then learn to accept. We can only choose to compromise, because does not have the world will only be eliminated, it is a kind of what kind of heartless indifference, how cruel helpless. Sometimes imperceptibly to step by step follow sun subduction direction, let the last ray of light fell on my palm. So the days passed, day in and day out in the summer of last year after year, my childhood fade away.
