



绕口令 600字高中英语作文

2022-03-15 06:50:31 栏目:高中英语作文 来源:蘑菇文

  Play to the south, a lama tyra five pounds in his sole purpose. North to play a dumb, waist with a trumpet. Lift the south with the sole purpose of lama take sole item don't trumpet mute speakers in the north. The dumb is not willing to take the horn in lama's sole purpose, lama must change don't trumpet mute speakers. Lama lun the sole yard smoke don't trumpet mute a sole, playing the trumpet mute off lift the sole purpose of lama a horn. Also don't know is pulling the sole purpose of lama smoke don't trumpet mute a sole purpose, or don't trumpet mute play both to lift the sole purpose of a trumpet. Lama stewed sole, the dumb di di man the trumpet.


should student have mob

  The mobile phone has become necessary in Pepple‘s life,today’s student basic mobile phone.

  Why should student have mobile phone?Ok,I will told you.The use of mobile phones can strengthen information communication, strengthen the emotional communication between people. The use of mobile phones can be used to query information online help to learn. Go to school, school encountered unexpected things, you can contact parents. You can play with puzzles, the development intelligence, the brain, etc. Some phones shooting function, can always take some meaningful something of value.

  So,student need have mobile phone.
