



should student have mob 600字高中英语作文

2022-03-15 06:50:31 栏目:高中英语作文 来源:蘑菇文

  The mobile phone has become necessary in Pepple‘s life,today’s student basic mobile phone.

  Why should student have mobile phone?Ok,I will told you.The use of mobile phones can strengthen information communication, strengthen the emotional communication between people. The use of mobile phones can be used to query information online help to learn. Go to school, school encountered unexpected things, you can contact parents. You can play with puzzles, the development intelligence, the brain, etc. Some phones shooting function, can always take some meaningful something of value.

  So,student need have mobile phone.

should student have mob

How Can We Learn Englis

  With the development of socity,English plays an important role in everyday life.Therefore,learning English is necessary for us,but how can we learn English in everyday life?

  Firstly,there is no doubt that we must learn words.I always remember words by reading newspaper,so that I can learn new words quickly.In addition,reading books and listening to videos in our spare time are good ways to improve our English.Next,Why not keep a diary in English,which is helpful.

  Do remember practice makes perfect,only in this way can we learn English well.Do you think so?
