



The Attractiveness of Nature 600字高中英语作文

2022-03-15 06:50:32 栏目:高中英语作文 来源:蘑菇文

  Dear friend,

  I am writing to invite you to enjoy the nature with me. Nowadays we have been surrounded by artificial things and almost forget that surviving in the wild can be so romantic.

  Yesterday I ran into Linus near his tent and he told me some interesting. "I think we all have a hidden urge to return to the nature. It's just a little scary to make the leap. " said Linus.

  "The landscape around here gives me a lot of ideas. The terrain itself is almost like a sculpture itself. " Leah, who is an independent artist, said so. She also told me that she doesn't make art for money. I think this explains why her art works show great charm.

  Would you like to go on a trip with me this weekend? Anyway, I am looking forward to your reply.

  Yours sincerely, Christina

The Attractiveness of Nature

Not Shooting for Fame and Fortune

  Like some people else, I have been shooting for fame and fortune for a long time. However, words from my good friend Alex changed my point of view.

  "I used to want fame and fortune, but lately I have been starting to sing a different tune. In the end it is the little humble things that satisfy. Don't you think so?" He told me so, and I couldn't agree more. Besides wealth and a good name, there is a great number of valuable things worthy of pursuing. Unfortunate I haven not realized such a simple fact in the past few years. For example, as my best friend Leah once told me, spending time in the nature can be very rewarding.

  Nowadays I still want to earn great fortune, but it is not the most important thing in this world.
