



Not Shooting for Fame and Fortune 600字高中英语作文

2022-03-15 06:50:32 栏目:高中英语作文 来源:蘑菇文

  Like some people else, I have been shooting for fame and fortune for a long time. However, words from my good friend Alex changed my point of view.

  "I used to want fame and fortune, but lately I have been starting to sing a different tune. In the end it is the little humble things that satisfy. Don't you think so?" He told me so, and I couldn't agree more. Besides wealth and a good name, there is a great number of valuable things worthy of pursuing. Unfortunate I haven not realized such a simple fact in the past few years. For example, as my best friend Leah once told me, spending time in the nature can be very rewarding.

  Nowadays I still want to earn great fortune, but it is not the most important thing in this world.

Not Shooting for Fame and Fortune

The International Ice and Snow Festival in Harbin

  Winter can be a dreary season, but events like the snow and ice festival make it much brighter. The International Ice and Snow Festival, which is famous and attractive, is hold annually in Harbin, China. It is worthy of tourists to visit and enjoy.Ice latterns, ice sculptures and snow carvings are exhibited at the Harbin International Ice and Snow Festival. Ice and snow are beautiful materials to sculpt in, but they are impermanent so that ice or snow sculptures cannot last long. However, this also makes the ice and snow art better in some ways. If you have not seen ice or snow, it is highly recommended to have a look of ice and snow art in Harbin. The amazing world will shock you.
