



We have to appreciate life 600字高中英语作文

2022-03-15 06:50:33 栏目:高中英语作文 来源:蘑菇文

  The daughter is grateful to the sky, the fog sky makes the space for it, the fish is grateful to the sea, because the sea is the place for it to travel, the dragon is grateful for the rain and dew, because the moisture of the rain makes it more beautiful. https://www.zuowenku.net, it will be the past, when you will talk, don't give up, it will be the past. When the recognition became rich and heartless, Zhejiang became the past, cherishing the memory of the emperor Hanwu and Tang Zong Song Zu, who had been coquettish for several years, but left a pile of loess. If the world is glorious, it will eventually become a cloud. Why not live with gratitude.

We have to appreciate life

Moved by love

  Moved is a cup of tea, in that is attractive fragrance, moved is a wisp of clear spring moistening people's hearts, moved is Tianjin's seven rainbows, unmatched, some say that love is a touching, indeed, Father love mother love, love from the community, are deeply moved by me, I dare say that love is a beautiful and pure touch.

  From ancient times to the present, the moving story, the beautiful scenery, it is like a heavy hammer, hard to hit my heart.

  In real life, in addition to life and death, there are many small things that move people, people are shocked.

  Touching the earth is full of fragrance, touching is the most beautiful sincere and pure emotion in the world, let us go to find the true meaning of touching, experience the meaning of love, together into the emotional world. Build bridges between people with love.

  I was deeply moved by the love of the heart, was unprecedented shock.
