



The taste of youth 600字高中英语作文

2022-03-15 06:50:33 栏目:高中英语作文 来源:蘑菇文

  Walking on the zebra crossing of youth, running all the way, crazy. Laughter slipped by the ear. The lost beauty is blowing.

  At the end of the year, the tickets for the return trip flew all over the sky, like snow. The blood ran down, and the wind couldn't stop it. The earth was frozen, and on the windowsill there were drops of water that had not yet died. Like snowflakes, flying in the wind,I don't know. I don't know. Let the symphony of youth ring and walk in the long ice and snow.

  Spring March, the wind was blown into the grass can not help the world's curiosity, quietly, quietly out. Snow and ice in the sun under the caress of submission, the collection of the road to the other side of heaven.The temperature is still a little low, but it can not stop the pace of youth. Walking in the green fields, the earth's fragrance from the nose, there is the smell of grass astringent. Step into the cycle of the new generation.

  Cicada once shouted, praying that the sky can come in the hot afternoon some dew. But God seemed indifferent to his expectations. The greater the cicada's cry, the higher the temperature.

  The sun is getting weaker, the sky turns overcast, the wind is blowing, and the autumn is the summer. The maple leaf, once green, was red in the blink of an eye, flickering in the wind, like a sea of fire. Leaves will arrive, the quiet mountain road is spread into a thick layer, step on, soft, noNo footprints, only leaves left in the mind "rustling" sound. Everything in this cycle.

  Jade bowl of sand, the growth of the road, you and I have the joy of singing and laughing, you and I have experienced a hundred States of life. Do not start with life, not to die for the end, to belong to their own taste of youth in the world.

  Let the course of youth not end with regret.

  Youth is like an open door, you can't go back when you come out!

  The sound of years in the songs of the wind in the crowd Who sighs unknowingly? Sighing at that unknowingly old... "

The taste of youth

The future of us

  Many people have imagined the future of the world, we have imagined the future of technological progress, to emigrate. But will the future really be like this? I think that the development of human civilization will bring disaster to mankind itself.Classes also have to find ways to solve the crisis that will be faced.

  Perhaps 60 years later, all the countries of the world have achieved industrialization, a substantial increase in greenhouse effect, the complete melting of glaciers. Some countries along the coast and those island States will face destruction, such as Japan, Indonesia and Sri Lanka.

  There are other coastal areas in other countries, such as Sri Lanka. This will lead to a significant reduction in the surface land area of the earth, the rapid increase in population density, the rapid reduction in per capita resource, climate.But humans will not sit idly by, and scientists already know what to do about it: control the melting of glaciers. Mankind should develop new energy sources, such as solar energy, wind energy and geothermal energy.Minimize carbon dioxide emissions, plant more trees, regulate the climate, and control the melting of glaciers. So that mankind can avoid some unnecessary disasters. For human civilization to continue, we must protect our survival ring.Boundary.

  After 100 years. Human technology is highly developed. Like robots. The purpose of the robot is to serve mankind, but with the improvement of people's living standard, people gradually forget that machines are used to serve themselves.Many people try to make robots have feelings and ability to learn. Does that sound cool? In fact, it is the killer weapon to put an end to human civilization. Robots gradually become like humans, with seven passions and six desires and the ability to learn.Bad human thoughts can also appear in the world of robots. That way, some of the robots come up against humanity. Because it is a robot, moving and thinking faster than human beings, human beings are not opponents at all.By that time, mankind will be enslaved. Therefore, despite the development of science and technology, it is necessary to limit the robot, do not let the achievements of human civilization, harm the human itself.

  The future world of many mysterious, looking forward to the future at the same time, we should study hard for human civilization to contribute their own strength.
