



Study Hard and Keep Healthy 600字高中英语作文

2022-03-15 06:50:33 栏目:高中英语作文 来源:蘑菇文

  KangKang is a student.He studies in Grade 8.

  He does well in subjects.He spends most of his time on study it,but has little exercise.He often stays up late.

  Last week,he had a bad ill.He went to see a doctor.The doctor told him staying up too late is bad for his health and he should go to bed ealier and do more exercise in his spare time instead of studies.

  Now,KangKang understands the important of exercise.He not only studies hard,but also does exercise in his spare time.

Study Hard and  Keep  Healthy

Make friend

  Firstly,you can travel to make friends,because you will meet different people and you can choose who you want to make friends with.Secondly,you can also join a sports club and talk with others about news or interesting things.And you can close to them.Thirdly,take part in community activities.And you should be friendly to others,and you can leave a good impression on people.What's more,you can chat with others on the Internet and make friends.But in my opinion,I think traveling to make friends are good and it's my way.Because I like traveling,and I may meet someone who likes traveling too.
