



My trip 600字高中英语作文

2022-03-15 06:50:33 栏目:高中英语作文 来源:蘑菇文

  Dear Mum,

  How is everything going ? I really enjoy my stay in China . I want to share my happiness with you . You know? Leave a deep impression on me is the Great Wall . It is longer and longer . That China is a country with a long history is a well know fact . So i will play with you on the next time in China . Besides , i will teach you how to make dumplings . Dumlings is a delicious as well as traditional food in the China . This travel takes me a better understanding of the chinese culture . I am about to come back , i feel unhappy. What is more , i was by some exciting and colorful pictures for you . Tomorrow i am flying back home . Hopefully one day i will come again .



My  trip


  Dear John Cooper ,

  I think your suggestion is good . Because it is very important for us to protect the environment . So i am gonging to support your plane . And i will join with my family in your activities every week . We will save water and paper in our daily life . But i think it would be very messy to bring the waste to school . If there is a place is a collection of waste i will agree with your idea.

  Yours sincerely ,

