



节水倡议书 600字高中英语作文

2022-03-15 06:50:33 栏目:高中英语作文 来源:蘑菇文

  Water is important in our lives,it is used for washing clothes and hands,cooking our daily meals,etc.What's more,we must drink it everyday.We can't live without water.And this world cannot keep alive without water,either.

  Water is such an important thing that we must save it.But how to save it?

  There are many methods,first,don't leave the tap running when we don't need to use water.Meanwhile,we should form the habit of reusing water.Third,please don't pollute water,which can make us have much fresh water.

  To protect water is to protect ourselves,Everyone saves a little water and a big amount of water can be saved.



  How are you?Now i am faced to some problems and I think your advice is worthy to be adopted.Would you mind giving them to me?

  The trouble is that I need to consider how to change the <English Weekly>which I have a duty on it and make it better.So I want to ask you to guide me to finish this work.The first problem is how to design th first page of the newspaper.It's so important that I must design it patiently.

  Second,what to write inside the newspaper?How to attract readers?I think I should add something interesting into the newspaper,should I?

  Last but not least,I need to add some new programs.Please tell me what should I do?

  I'll appreciate it if you reply me quickly.Best wishes to you!
