



Daily 600字高中英语作文

2022-03-15 06:50:34 栏目:高中英语作文 来源:蘑菇文

  I have a classmate.He's name is HuangQiang.When we in grade 8,he is a trouble maker!But he has a big change now.Hmm...He used to late for class and talk with each other in class.He used to fight with classmate.One day,my friends tell me,"We shoud help he."I think so.So we try to talk with he,I find it easy to get along with him and he is a frindly people.Pass a holiday,we will be a grade 9 students.When I saw he again.To my surprise, he is change!Now he get up early and take notes in class.He usually help classmates and so on.It is amazing!Nothing is impossible.


Changes in my hometown

  My hometown has great changes since reform and opening-up.

  In the past.People lived in the small and poor houses.The river was very dirty.The roads were narrow and people went to work always by bike or on foot.The living conditions were very poor.

  But now.The buildings are taller and brighter.The river is clean.The roads are wide and people go to work always by bus or by car.The living conditions are improve a lot.

  Thanks to the government and my hometown has become more and more beautiful.
