



The Autobiography of A watch 600字高中英语作文

2022-03-15 06:50:34 栏目:高中英语作文 来源:蘑菇文

  I am a watch. My name is Casio and I was born in Japan. Soon after I was born, I was sent to the airport, many of my friends were there too. It was the first time I had seen a plane. I felt so surprised.

  I finally found out where I was as I am a watch with the function of GPS. How lucky I am. I was in Hong Kong! I had not heard this city before so I was very curious.

  After the landing, I found that I was in a frieght truck. "Where am I going?“ I asked myself for several times. Suddenly I felt someone lift me and I was put onto a shelf. I looked around and found many of my friends. They asked the same question, " Where am I?" Then I heard a salesman say,”Welcome to Fantastic Watch Company, what can I help you?" Oh, I was in a watch company. I was going to be said, I had been looking forward to this.

  After a few days of staying at the shop, I felt bored and started to blame my life. However, on the day after I had arrived there, a boy bought me back home. I found my happiness and excitement again.

  The boy is really a great master. I heard that his parents call him Calvin. I really love him as he always keeps me clean, uses me a lot and takes good care of me. I felt thankful to him. If he was not that good, I would prefer to die.

  Also, he is a nice man. Until how we have been together for six months but he never lets me feel that I am in danger. Apart from the above, he is a nice and kind man because he always praises me for being so useful. It makes me feel pleased as I am sure he will treasure me until I am old.

  I hope that he will treasure me and take good care of me. I don't know if Calvin really thinks that I am very good but I promise that I will take up my responsibility in order to give him the most accurate time. I really hope that I will live in the world for around ten years so that I can appreciate the world more and bring many benefits to people.

The Autobiography of A watch

Everything is possible

  Susan felt her pride swelling when her name was called. Taking a deep breath, she walked towards the stage. Now, she knew she had finally achieved success.

  Susan was encouraged to learn the piano two years ago. She was just like an idiot when she first approached the piano. She just pressed all the keys promiscuously.

  Susan had been scolded by her piano teacher for many times because she did have practise at home. Every time she attended the piano class, she was like having recess at home! However, after she was scolded by the teacher, she never listened to him until she got failed in a piano examination and it had depressed an arrogant girl, Susan. She hardly imagined that she would be defeated by a negligible piano examination.

  Since the failure of piano examination, Susan learnt that effort must be put if she wanted to succeed. Afterwards, every time Susan attended the piano lesson, she concentrated on what the teacher said. When the teacher told her to do better, she immediately tried to improve. Every day, she practised piano for at least one and a half hour without stopping. Her mother felt extremely shocked and kept on encouraging her daughter as she thought that that was the only way to make her daughter, Susan, to succeed no matter in what aspect.

  Susan had a big change. She became highly-motivated, willing to listen to others' comments and always tried to do her best. These were the most important points which led to Susan's success.

  On her path to success, Susan had concentrated many difficulties like being laughed at by others or getting very low marks in some piano competitions but she never gave up! She learnt that being looked down on by others was not important. The most vital thing was that she would be afraid of facing failures as it was a must if she wanted to succeed.

  Susan felt surprised at winning the piano competition. She knew that her effort had paid off. It was unbelievable! Life has no limits. Try harder no matter what your challenges are. As we begin our journey, we should know that everything is possible!
