



people can not do without spiritual fulcrum 600字高中英语作文

2022-03-15 06:50:34 栏目:高中英语作文 来源:蘑菇文

  Archimedes has said a word :" Give me a fulcrum,I can pry up the earth."Now this principle has been applied extensively in the life.We can protection from the tweezers,found in the scissors to stand, and found in the seesaw fulcrum,found in the chopsticks to stand,and find protection from the ferris wheel and so on.Because fulcrum can bring convenience and help for our life,so protection is very important for us.But protection not only applied to the material world,it is also used in our spiritual world,which is the spiritual fulcrum.Although they are all fulcrum,however the meaning that they contian is not very identical.Mental protection is more important for us.Spiritual fulcrum is varied.It is one perhaps to hold to think,a kind of faith,again.or are the certain thing,one person is even a country.Because people have the spiritual fulcrum,and they will became more great.It can also make people continuously surpass ourselves and breakthrough yourself.In a word,people can not do without spiritual fulcrum.

people can not do without spiritual fulcrum

How to achieve a close-knit family

  If you can see the sun shines brightly on the blue sky, it means that it is the right time for having an outing with your beloved family. And that was happening to my family and I now. We're having an outing at a waterfall in Bukit Jelutong now. I'm still having my lunch which prepared by my mother. I sit on a piece of cloth, munching my food happily and looking at my siblings and my cousins.

  My youngest twin sisters, only 4 years old are sharing a packet of biscuits. They laugh and giggle while having their biscuits. They are sitting in front of me so they can ask me some questions about the nature. My father and my eldest brother are catching fishes with a net. I think the water is not so cold because they are in their birthday suits. They catch and release the fishes over and over again.

  My three cousins which are younger than me, rather go outing with us because they refused to go shopping with their parents. They are swimming happily and playing crazily. They keep splashing the water and make noise which I can't bear it any longer. They haven't eaten their lunch yet. But they still look so energetic, playing the same thing without stopping.

  Besides having an outing, we can achieving a close-knit family by many other ways. The most popular way is playing a sport. Jogging, playing badminton or even swimming and anything else is a good way to achieve it. At the same time, we can also maintain a healthier body. With a healthy body, we can do anything we like with our family.

  We can also have a simple meal with our family. Just sit in font of a round table, the closer the better, put all the electronic gadgets away, put as far as possible.Even though a bowl of porridge as our lunch or dinner, it is also a way to achieve it. Because the thing which is important is how we start a chatting topic with our family members, not the food or meal that we eat.

  But the best way is not all the suggestions above. We have to put away all the electronic gadgets such as cell phone, computer, laptop and others. We can only start any activities that had been mentioned just now by putting them away.
