



My proublem 600字高中英语作文

2022-03-15 06:50:34 栏目:高中英语作文 来源:蘑菇文

  Since I went to the middle school, careless has always been my weak point. In the exam, I often lose many marks because of careless. At first,I can write down the correct answers of questions, but I can't in the end. In the words of my physics teacher 'you always work away from the correct answers.'Although the words are very funny, it is certainly right. I shoudcorrect this mistake, but what shoud I do for this. Can you help me.

My proublem

Carbon dioxide

  Carbon dioxide is one of the most important atmospheric heat-trapping gases.Higher concentration of Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere will lead to global warming and cause uneven flood and drought or weather.It may even cause sea level rise.The water would drown a large number of coastal cities ,dangerous of us.But there is also a research point out that carbon dioxide has many advantages.Such as increasing the carbon dioxide can give plants "fertilization".It is beneficial to thegroup of plants.But there must be a premise that the plants is alive.If the soil is polluted ,plants died then we have lost release oxygen into the atmosphere "oxygen factory " and "air purifier ".In short carbon dioxide isvery important to us.
